Test Bank The World of Philosophy An Introductory Reader 2nd Edition by Steven M. Cahn
Test Bank The World of Philosophy An Introductory Reader 2nd Edition by Steven M. Cahn
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Test Bank The World of Philosophy An Introductory Reader 2nd Edition by Steven M. Cahn
Accessible, flexible, and affordable, The World of Philosophy: An Introductory Reader, Second Edition, presents philosophy in all its diverse array of thought and practice, offering a distinctive combination of standard analytical materials and Western historical texts alongside writings reflecting Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Arabic, African, South American, Chicano, and Native American sources.
ISBN-10 : 0190691905
ISBN-13 : 978-0190691905
Steven M. Cahn (Author)
Table Of Contents
Monroe C. Beardsley and Elizabeth Lane Beardsley: What Is Philosophy?
Bertrand Russell: The Value of Philosophy
Plato: Defence of Socrates
* Plato: Crito
* Plato: Phaedo
* Steven M. Cahn, Patricia Kitcher, and George Sher: What Is Reason?
Carl G. Hempel: Scientific Inquiry
* Gillian Barker and Philip Kitcher: Antiscientism
René Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy
* John Locke: An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
* Gottfried Leibniz: New Essays on Human Understanding
George Berkeley: A Treatise Concerning the Principles of Human Knowledge
David Hume: An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding
Immanuel Kant: Critique of Pure Reason
A. J. Ayer: What Is Knowledge?
Edmund L. Gettier: Is Justified True Belief Knowledge?
Uma Narayan: The Project of Feminist Epistemology
* Nagarjuna: Examination of the Senses
A. Mind and Body
René Descartes: Meditations on First Philosophy
Gilbert Ryle: The Ghost in the Machine
Paul M. Churchland: The Mind-Body Problem
Thomas Nagel: What Is It Like to Be a Bat?
* Frank Jackson: The Qualia Problem
* Alan Turing: Computing Machinery and Intelligence
John Searle: Do Computers Think?
Barbara Montero: The Body Problem
B. The Self
Joel Kupperman: Hinduism and the Self
* The Upanishads
Thomas P. Kasulis: The Buddhist Concept of Self
* David Hume: A Treatise of Human Nature
C. Identity
Brian Smart: A Case of Identity
John Perry: The Problem of Personal Identity
* John Locke: Of Identity and Diversity
* Thomas Reid: Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man
* Terence Penelhum: Identity and Immortality
D. Free Will
Thomas Nagel: Free Will
W. T. Stace: Free Will and Determinism
Steven M. Cahn: Freedom or Determinism?
* Kitaro Nishida: The Freedom of the Will
A. Religious Beliefs
Anselm and Gaunilo: The Ontological Argument
Thomas Aquinas: The Five Ways
William L. Rowe: The Kalam Cosmological Argument
* William Paley: Natural Theology
Ernest Nagel: Does God Exist?
B. The Problem of Evil
Richard Swinburne: Why God Allows Evil
* Eleonore Stump: Knowledge, Freedom, and the Problem of Evil
* Kwame Gyekye: The Problem of Evil: An Akan Perspective
Raynor Johnson: Karma and Rebirth
Whitley R. P. Kaufman: Karma, Rebirth, and the Problem of Evil
C. Belief Without Proof
Blaise Pascal: The Wager
Linda Trinkaus Zagzebski: Pascals Wager: An Assessment
* W.K. Clifford: The Ethics of Belief
* William James: The Will to Believe
D. Religious Diversity
Philip L. Quinn and Kevin Meeker: The Challenge of Religious Diversity
Jeffery D. Long: The Jain Path
* Mahapurana
Ray Billington: The Tao
* Tao Te Ching
Twelve Zen Stories
* Ninian Smart: The Muslim Experience
* The Quran
* Gustavo Gutierrez: Liberation Theology
Vine Deloria, Jr.: God Is Red: A Native View of Religion
John H. Hick: Religious Pluralism and Salvation
Dalai Lama: Interreligious Harmony
Steven M. Cahn: God and Morality
Mary Midgley: Moral Isolationism
James Rachels: Egoism and Moral Skepticism
Immanuel Kant: The Categorical Imperative
John Stuart Mill: Utilitarianism
Aristotle: The Nature of Virtue
* Kwame Gyekye: Character in Akan Ethics
Virginia Held: The Ethics of Care
Friedrich Nietzsche: Beyond Good and Evil
Jean-Paul Sartre: Existentialism Is a Humanism
Christopher W. Gowans: The Buddhas Message
* The Dhammapada
Henry Rosemont, Jr: Confucian Morality
* The Analects
A. Abortion
Judith Jarvis Thomson: A Defense of Abortion
* Mary Anne Warren: On the Moral and Legal Status of Abortion
Don Marquis: Why Abortion Is Immoral
* B. Euthanasia
* James Rachels: Active and Passive Euthanasia
* Bonnie Steinbock: The Intentional Termination of Life
C. World Hunger
Peter Singer: Famine, Affluence, and Morality
* Travis Timmerman: A Reply to Singer
Plato: The Republic
Thomas Hobbes: Leviathan
Karl Marx: Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844
John Stuart Mill: On Liberty
John Dewey: Democracy
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Letter from a Birmingham Jail
* Jorge M. Valadez: Developing Democratic Citizenship in Multicultural Societies
John Rawls: A Theory of Justice
Robert Nozick: Distributive Justice
Virginia Held: Non-contractual Society: A Feminist View
* Iris Marion Young: Five Faces of Oppression
* Kwame Anthony Appiah: Globalizing Human Rights
* The Bhagavad Gita
Xunzi: A Discussion of Heaven
Epicurus: Writings
* Ecclesiastes
* The Gospel According to Matthew
* Epictetus: The Handbook
Albert Camus: The Myth of Sisyphus
Richard Taylor: The Meaning of Life
Susan Wolf: Meaning in Life
Christine Vitrano: Meaningful Lives
* Thich Nhat Hanh: Realizing Well-Being