Test Bank The Unfinished Journey America Since World War II 9th Edition by William H. Chafe
Test Bank The Unfinished Journey America Since World War II 9th Edition by William H. Chafe
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Product Description
Test Bank The Unfinished Journey America Since World War II 9th Edition by William H. Chafe
Brilliantly written by a prize-winning historian, The Unfinished Journey, Ninth Edition, considers both the paradoxes and the possibilities of postwar America.
ISBN-10 : 0190919779
ISBN-13 : 978-0190919771
William H. Chafe (Author)
Table Of Contents
1. The War Years
Making the War Real on the Home Front
Mobilizing the Economy
Black Americans
Other Minorities
Politics at Home
2. Origins of the Cold War
The Historical Context
The War Years
Negotiating Peace
Finding a Path of Mutual Accommodation
Cold War Issues
3. Truman and the Cold War
The Challenge of the Presidency
Nuclear Weapons and American Lives
The Soviet Agenda
Declaration of the Cold War
“Two Camps”
Causes and Interpretations
4. “The Other Half of the Walnut”
Social Reform and Activism in the Postwar Years
The Politics of 1945
The Experience of Women
The Black Experience
The Experience of Labor
The Politics of Anticommunism
The Election of 1948
“The Other Half of the Walnut”
5. The Paradox of Change
American Society in the Postwar Years
Economic Growth
Suburbia and Consumerism
Family Life and Sex Roles
TV and Popular Culture
Politics of the Fifties
The Critique of Conformity
6. The Civil Rights Movement
“The Gods Bring Threads to Webs Begun”
The Court Fight
The Response to Brown
White Southern Resistance
The Montgomery Movement
The Sit-in Movement
The Movement Spreads
7. John F. Kennedy
The Reality and the Myth
The Kennedy Career
The Kennedy Frame of Reference
The Kennedy Record
Kennedys Foreign Policy
The Year of Promise
8. LBJ
The Trial of Consensus
The Early Years
Domination, Control, and Consensus
A New President Takes Hold
Transcending Regional Conflict
The Great Society and the War on Poverty
Community Action Programs
9. Vietnam-The Early Years
The Cold War and Korea
“Aggression Doesnt Pay”
The History of American Involvement in Vietnam 1950-61
American Policy in Vietnam
The Kennedy Years
10. “Lyndons War”
The Johnson Approach to Foreign Policy
The Road to Disaster
“Into the Big Muddy”
The Dissenters
The Quagmire Gets Deeper
11. Coming Apart at Home
From Civil Rights to Black Power-A Paradigm
The Student Movement
The Emergence of Womens Liberation
The Counter-response
The White House Response
12. 1968
January and February
The Struggle of Robert F. Kennedy
Lyndon Johnson
Martin Luther King, Jr., RFK, and Eugene McCarthy
The Year Comes to a Climax-The Conventions and Election
13. “Bringing Us Together”
The Nixon Presidency: Rhetoric and Reality
Nixons Southern Strategy
Foreign Policy
White House Control over Foreign Affairs
“Us” Against “Them”
The Demise of the Left
An Appeal to “Middle Americans”
The Downfall of the Imperial President
14. An Era of Political Malaise
Political Bewilderment
A “Trusteeship”
The Reagan Revolution
The “New Right”
15. A Divided Culture, a Divided Society
The Positive Legacy of the 1960s
The Other Side of the Coin
American Attitudes Toward Welfare
A New Economy
16. The Reagan Years
The Reagan Credo
The Domestic and Foreign Policy Agendas
Prosperity Returns
The 1984 Election
Falling Apart
Long-Term Consequences
Reaching New Heights
17. The 1990s
A Referendum on the Post-World War II Years
The Reagan Legacy-George Bush
The 1992 Presidential Election
The First Clinton Administration
Topsy-Turvy: The 1994 Elections
Clinton/Dole-A Decision or a Stand-off?
The Second Clinton Presidency
The Basic Issues
18. 2000 and Beyond
The 2000 Election
The 2000 Post-Election Debacle
The First Bush Administration
September 11, 2001
The Bush Response
The Aftermath
The 2004 Election
The Second Term
19. Barack Obama
A Utopian Vision Confronts Political Reality
The Election
The First Two Years
The Second Two Years
A Nuanced Approach to Foreign Policy
Who Would Win?
Obamas Victory
20. The Trump Years
The 2016 Election
“Making America Great Again”
The Trump Administration and North Korea
A Nation in Crisis
The 2020 Election
Breaking Old Rules
Bibliographical Essay