Test Bank The Bible A Historical and Literary Introduction 2nd Edition by Bart D. Ehrman


Test Bank The Bible A Historical and Literary Introduction 2nd Edition by Bart D. Ehrman

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Product Description

Test Bank The Bible A Historical and Literary Introduction 2nd Edition by Bart D. Ehrman

In The Bible: A Historical and Literary Introduction, Second Edition, renowned biblical scholar and New York Times Best-selling author Bart D. Ehrman provides an exceptionally engaging survey of the Bible.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0190621303
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0190621308

Bart D. Ehrman (Author)

Table Of Contents
The Bible
Brief Contents
List of Boxes
List of Maps
Why Study the Bible?
1: What Is the Bible?
What Is the Bible?
Putting the Bible on the Map
2: Why Is the Bible So Hard to Understand?
Challenges of Studying the Bible
Our Literary Approach
Excursus: Our Approaches to the Bible
Our Historical Approach
3: The Book of Genesis
The Famous Stories of the Book of Genesis
4: Who Wrote the Pentateuch?
The Traditional View
Oral Traditions and Cultural Parallels
5: From Egypt to Mount Sinai: Exodus and Leviticus
The Book of Exodus
The Law of Moses (Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers)
6: From Mount Sinai to the Promised Land: Numbers and Deuteronomy
The Book of Numbers in a Nutshell
The Book of Deuteronomy
7: The Deuteronomistic History: Joshua and Judges
The Deuteronomistic History
The Book of Joshua
The Book of Judges
8: The Books of Samuel and Kings
1 and 2 Samuel
1 and 2 Kings
9: Early Israelite Prophets: Amos and Isaiah
The Rise of the Prophets
Amos of Tekoa
Isaiah of Jerusalem
10: Other Pre-exilic Prophets: Hosea, Micah, Nahum, Zephaniah, Jeremiah, and Habakkuk
11: The Historians of Exile and Return: Ezra, Nehemiah, and Beyond
Ezra and Nehemiah
The Later History of Judea
12: The Exilic and Post-exilic Prophets
Second Isaiah
Third Isaiah
13: The Poets of Ancient Israel
The Nature of Hebrew Poetry
The Book of Psalms
The Book of Lamentations
The Song of Songs
14: Storytellers in Ancient Israel
Daniel 1_6
1 and 2 Chronicles
15: The Wisdom Literature
Introduction to the Wisdom Literature
16: Jewish Apocalyptic Literature and the Apocrypha
The Rise of Jewish Apocalypticism
Other Jewish Literature of the Period: The Deuterocanonical or Apocryphal Books
17: The World of Jesus and His Followers
One Remarkable Life
The Greco-Roman World
Judaism in the Time of Jesus
Putting the New Testament and Early Christianity on the Map
18: The Synoptic Problem and the Gospel of Mark
The Storyline of the Synoptic Gospels
The Synoptic Problem
The Gospels as Biographies
The Gospel of Mark
19: The Gospels of Matthew and Luke
The Gospel of Matthew
The Gospel of Luke
The Synoptic Gospels and the Problem of History
20: The Gospel of John and the Later Gospels
The Gospel of John
The Other Gospels
21: The Historical Jesus
Problems with Our Sources
Jesus the Apocalyptic Prophet
22: The Life of the Apostle Paul
Problems in the Study of Paul
A Brief Biography of Paul
23: The Letters of Paul
1 Thessalonians
1 Corinthians
2 Corinthians
24: The Acts of the Apostles
Paul During and After the New Testament
The Acts of the Apostles
25: In the Wake of Paul: The Deutero-Pauline Letters
2 Thessalonians
The Pastoral Epistles
26: The General Epistles and the Book of Revelation
The Letter to the Hebrews
The Letter of James
1 Peter
2 Peter
1, 2, and 3 John
The Apocalypse of John
Excursus One: Jews and Christians in the Ancient World
Excursus Two: The Persecution of the Early Christians
Excursus Three: Orthodoxy and Heresy in Earliest Christianity
27: Appendix: The Canon and Text of the Bible
The Canon of the Hebrew Bible
The Canon of the New Testament
The Text of the Hebrew Bible
The Text of the New Testament
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