Test Bank Sensation and Perception 2nd Edition by John Harris


Test Bank Sensation and Perception 2nd Edition by John Harris

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Product Description

Test Bank Sensation and Perception 2nd Edition by John Harris

This book introduces perception, detailing perceptual processes related to vision, hearing, taste, smell, and other sensory systems.

ISBN-10: 1526467712; ISBN-13: 9781526467713

John Harris; Jared Smith

Table of Contents
Part I: Foundations and Investigative Techniques
1. The Nature of Perception, and Some Ways of Investigating It
2. Research Methods in Perception
Part II: Visual and Auditory Perception
3. Mechanisms of Early and Middle Visual Processing
4. Seeing in Colour
5. Seeing Pattern and Motion
6. Hearing
Part III: The Chemical Senses and Somatosensory Perception
7. Taste and Smell
8. Touch and Pain
9. Vestibular and Proprioceptive Systems
Part IV: Perceiving the World Around Us
10. Visual and Auditory Localisation
11. Perception and Action
12. Eye Movements and Perception of Natural Scenes
13. Recognising Faces
14. Attention and Awareness
Part V: Changes in Perception
15. Changes in Perception through the Life-span
16. Pathologies of Perception