Test Bank Religion in Sociological Perspective 7th Edition by Keith A. Roberts


Test Bank Religion in Sociological Perspective 7th Edition by Keith A. Roberts

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Product Description

Test Bank Religion in Sociological Perspective 7th Edition by Keith A. Roberts

This book introduces the sociology of religion, exploring systems of meaning, structure, and belonging, and integrates various theoretical perspectives into an overarching framework.

ISBN-10: 1506366066; ISBN-13: 9781506366067

Keith A. Roberts, David Yamane

Table of Contents
Part I: Introduction to the Sociology of Religion
1. What Do We Mean by the Term Religion?
2. A Scientific Perspective on Religion
Part II: The Complexity of Religious Systems
3. The Role of Religion in Society
4. Religious Experience, Symbol Systems, and World Views
Part III: Becoming and Remaining Faithful
5. Conversion and Commitment
6. The Sociological Psychology of Conversion
Part IV: Formation and Maintenance of Religious Organizations
7. Emergence and Viability of Religious Movements
8. Survival of Religious Movements
9. Analysis of Religious Groups and Organizations
Part V: Religion and Social Inequality
10. Religion and Social Stratification
11. Social Stratification and Religious Ideology
Part VI: Religion and Prejudice: Racism and Sexism
12. Religion and Prejudice: Christianity and Racism
13. Religion and Prejudice: Christianity and Sexism
Part VII: Social Change and Religious Adaptation
14. Secularization: Religion in Decline or in Reformation?
15. Televangelism: The Marketing of Religion