Test Bank Race and Racisms A Critical Approach 2nd Edition by Tanya Maria Golash Boza


Test Bank Race and Racisms A Critical Approach 2nd Edition by Tanya Maria Golash Boza

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Product Description

Test Bank Race and Racisms A Critical Approach 2nd Edition by Tanya Maria Golash Boza

Race and Racisms: A Critical Approach, Second Edition, engages students in significant–and timely–questions related to racial dynamics in the U.S. and around the world.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0190663782
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0190663780

Tanya Maria Golash-Boza (Author)

Table Of Contents
List of Excerpts

About the Author


Talking about Race outside the classroom


1: The Origin of the Idea of Race

Defining Race and Ethnicity

Race: The Evolution of an Ideology

Historical Precedents to the Idea of Race

Slavery Before the Idea of Race

European Encounters with Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

Slavery and Colonization

–VOICES The Spanish Treatment of Indigenous Peoples

–RESEARCH FOCUS Slave Flights and Runaway Communities in Colonial Angola

Exploitation in the Thirteen English Colonies

The Legal Codification of Racial Differences

–VOICES From Bullwhip Days

Slavery versus the Ideal of Freedom in the United States

–GLOBAL VIEW: The Idea of Race in Latin American Nation-Making

The Indian Removal Act: The Continuation of Manifest Destiny

The Rise of Science and the Question of Human Difference

European Taxonomies

Scientific Racism in the Nineteenth Century

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

2: Race, Immigration, and Citizenship from the 1840s to the 1920s

The Continuation of Scientific Racism

Measuring Brain Size

Intelligence Testing


–VOICES Carrie Buck

Exclusionary Immigration and Citizenship Policies

The Chinese Exclusion Act

–RESEARCH FOCUS Chinese Exclusion and Gatekeeping Ideology

The Johnson-Reed Act (Immigration Act of 1924)

Birthright Citizenship and Naturalization for Whites Only

Defining Whiteness in Court

Takao Ozawa v. United States (1922)

United States v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923)

How the Irish, Italians, and Jews Became White

The Irish

The Italians

The Jews

Structural Violence against Native Americans and African Americans

Native Americans: Appropriating Lands, Assimilating Tribes

African Americans and the Struggle for Rights

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

3: Racial Ideologies from the 1920s to the Present

Ideological Consistency and Change

–VOICES Trayvon Martin

Overt Racism in the Mid-Twentieth Century


Mass Deportation of Mexicans and Mexican Americans

Internment of Japanese and Japanese Americans

–VOICES Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu

Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment

The Civil Rights Movement and the Commitment to Change

Rosa Parks and the Montgomery Bus Boycott


Freedom Rides

Old Versus New Racism: The Evolution of an Ideology

Biological Racism

Cultural Racism

Color-Blind Universalism

–GLOBAL VIEW Cultural Racism in Peru

Color-Blind Racism

Four Types of Color-Blind Racism

Rhetorical Strategies of Color-Blind Racism

The New Politics of Race

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

4: Sociological Theories of Race and Racism

Individual Racism and Institutional Racism

Individual Racism

–VOICES Microaggressions

Institutional Racism

–GLOBAL VIEW Microaggressions in Peru

Systemic Racism and Structural Racism

Systemic Racism

Structural Racism

–RESEARCH FOCUS Systemic Racism and Hurricane Katrina

Racial Formation

Critique 1: Not Holding Whites Accountable for Racial Inequality

Critique 2: Not Going Far Enough to Expose the Depths of Racism

Critique 3: Overlooking Parallels Between Jim Crow Racism and Racism Today

–RESEARCH FOCUS Examining Legitimized Racism against Indigenous Peoples

White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism

–RESEARCH FOCUS Applying Settler Colonialism Theory

Islamophobia and Anti-Arab Racism

Intersectional Theories of Race and Racism

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

5: Racism in the Media: The Spread of Ideology

Portrayals and Representations in Entertainment

Portrayals of Blacks

–VOICES Why Black-ish Is the Show We Need Right Now

Portrayals of Latinos/as

Portrayals of Arabs and Arab Americans

–VOICES Why We Hacked Homeland

Portrayals of Asians and Asian Americans

Portrayals of Native Americans

–GLOBAL VIEW Racial Stereotypes in Peruvian Television

New Media Representations

Video Games

Social Media

–RESEARCH FOCUS Kimberlé Crenshaw on Black Womens Lives Matter

Media Images and Racial Inequality

Raced, Classed, and Gendered Media Images

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

6: Colorism and Skin-Tone Stratification

The History of Colorism

–RESEARCH FOCUS Latino Immigrants and the U.S. Racial Order

The Origins of Colorism in the Americas

The Origins of Colorism in Asia and Africa

The Global Color Hierarchy

Asia and Asian Americans

–VOICES The Fair-Skin Battle

Latin America and Latinos/as

Africa and the African Diaspora

–RESEARCH FOCUS Skin Tone and School Suspension

–VOICES Colorism and Creole Identity

Skin Color, Gender, and Beauty

–VOICES After #NotFairandLovely: Changing Thought Patterns Instead of Skintone

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

PART II: Policy and Institutions

7: White Privilege and the Changing U.S. Racial Hierarchy

White Privilege

–RESEARCH FOCUS White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack

Whiteness, Class, Gender, and Sexuality

–VOICES Explaining White Privilege to a Broke White Person

Whiteness and Racial Categories in Twenty-First-Century America

Latinos/as and the Multiracial Hierarchy

Arab Americans, North Africans, Middle Easterners, and Their Place in the U.S. Racial Hierarchy

–VOICES Arab American-AKA White Without the Privilege

Multiracial Identification and the U.S. Racial Hierarchy

Will the United States Continue to Be a White-Majority Society?

Changes in Racial and Ethnic Classifications

–GLOBAL VIEW Social, Cultural, and Intergenerational Whitening in Latin America

Revisiting the Definitions of Race and Ethnicity

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

8: Educational Inequality

The History of Educational Inequality

Indian Schools

Segregation and Landmark Court Cases

The Persistence of Racial Segregation in the Educational System

Affirmative Action in Higher Education

Educational Inequality Today

–RESARCH FOCUS Native American/Alaska Native College Student Retention

The Achievement Gap: Sociological Explanations for Persistent Inequality

–GLOBAL VIEW Affirmative Action in Brazil

Parental Socioeconomic Status

Cultural Explanations: “Acting White” and Other Theories


Social and Cultural Capital and Schooling

–VOICES Moesha

Hidden Curricula and the School-to-Prison Pipeline

–RESEARCH FOCUS The Asian American Achievement Paradox

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

9: Income and Labor Market Inequality

Income Inequality by Race, Ethnicity, and Gender

Dimensions of Racial Disparities in the Labor Market

Disparities among Women

Disparities among Asian Americans

Underemployment, Unemployment, and Joblessness

–VOICES Jarred

Sociological Explanations for Income and Labor Market Inequality

Individual-Level Explanations

–VOICES Latina Professionals as Racialized Tokens: Lisas Story

Structural Explanations

–RESEARCH FOCUS Discrimination in a Low-Wage Labor Market

Affirmative Action in Employment

Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment

–GLOBAL VIEW Racial Discrimination in Australia

Conclusion and Discussion

Check Your Understanding

Talking about Race

10: Inequality in Housing and Wealth

Land Ownership after Slavery

Residential Segregation

The Creation of Residential Segregation

Discriminatory and Predatory Lending Practices