Test Bank Psychological Testing A Practical Introduction 4th Edition by Thomas P. Hogan


Test Bank Psychological Testing A Practical Introduction 4th Edition by Thomas P. Hogan

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Product Description

Test Bank Psychological Testing A Practical Introduction 4th Edition by Thomas P. Hogan

Psychological Testing: A Practical Introduction 4e offers students of psychology and allied disciplines a comprehensive survey of psychometric principles and tests in the major categories of applied assessment

ISBN: 978-1-119-50693-5

Thomas P. Hogan

Table of Contents
Preface iii

Part 1

1 The World of Psychological Testing, 3

Introduction, 3

Major Categories of Tests, 4

Some Additional Ways to Categorize Tests, 6

Uses and Users of Tests, 8

Major Issues: Assumptions and Questions, 10

Basic Assumptions, 10

Fundamental Questions, 12

The Differential Perspective, 13

The Historical Perspective, 13

Remote Background: Up to 1840, 14

Setting the Stage: 1840–1880, 15

The Roots: 1880–1915, 17

The Flowering: 1915–1940, 19

Consolidation: 1940–1965, 21

Just Yesterday: 1965–2000, 22

And Now: 2000–Present, 23

Major Forces, 24

The Scientific Impulse, 24

Concern for the Individual, 24

Practical Applications, 25

Statistical Methodology, 25

The Rise of Clinical Psychology, 25

Computers, 25

By Way of Definition, 28

Summary, 29

Key Terms, 30

Exercises, 30

2 Sources of Information About Tests, 32

Two Common Problems Requiring Information About Tests, 32

A Test’s Introductory Kit, 33

Comprehensive Lists of Tests, 34

Test Collection at ETS, 34

PsycTESTS, 35

Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HaPI), 35

Tests in Print, 36

Systematic Reviews, 37

Buros Reviews Available Electronically, 37

Some Other Sources of Reviews, 38

Special-Purpose Collections, 38

Books About Single Tests, 39

Textbooks on Testing, 40

Journals, 40

Publishers’ Catalogs and Personnel, 42

Other Users, 42

Strengths and Shortcomings of the Sources, 43

Summary, 44

Key Terms, 44

Exercises, 44

3 Test Norms, 47

Purpose of Norms, 47

Review of Statistics: Part 1, 48

Variables, 48

Types of Scales, 49

Organization of Raw Data, 50

Central Tendency, 51

Variability, 52

z-Scores, 53

Shapes of Distributions, 54

The Raw Score, 55

The Special Case of Theta (θ), 56

Types of Norms, 57

Percentile Ranks and Percentiles, 59

Standard Scores, 63

Developmental Norms, 69

Examples of Norm Tables, 72

Interpretive Reports and Norms, 72

Innovative Ways to Interpret Test Performance, 74

What to Read?, 74

Ready or Not?, 75

Depressed or Not?, 75

What Job for You?, 75

Conclusion, 75

Norm Groups, 76

National Norms, 76

International Norms, 76

Convenience Norm Groups, 76

User Norms, 77

Subgroup Norms, 77

Local Norms, 77

Institutional Norms, 78

Criterion-Referenced Interpretation, 79

The Standardization Group: Determining Its Usefulness, 80

Summary, 83

Key Terms, 84

Exercises, 84

4 Reliability, 86

Introduction, 86

Four Important Distinctions, 87

Review of Statistics: Part 2—Correlation and Prediction, 88

Bivariate Distribution and Correlation Coefficients, 88

Regression Line, 90

Factors Affecting Correlation Coefficients, 92

Major Sources of Unreliability, 96

Test Scoring, 96

Test Content, 98

Test Administration Conditions, 98

Personal Conditions, 99

Conceptual Framework: True Score Theory, 99

Methods of Determining Reliability, 101

Test–Retest Reliability, 101

Inter-Scorer Reliability, 102

Alternate Form Reliability, 103

Internal Consistency Reliability, 104

Split-Half Reliability, 104

Kuder–Richardson Formulas, 105

Coefficient Alpha, 106

Three Important Conclusions, 108

The Standard Error of Measurement, 108

Confidence Bands, 109

Appropriate Units for SEM, 109

Standard Errors: Three Types, 110

Some Special Issues in Reliability, 111

Reliability in Item Response Theory, 113

Generalizability Theory, 114

Factors Affecting Reliability Coefficients, 115

How High Should Reliability Be?, 115

Summary, 116

Key Terms, 117

Exercises, 117

5 Validity, 119

Introduction, 119

Refining the Definition of Validity, 120

Construct Underrepresentation and Construct-Irrelevant Variance, 121

The Basic Issue, 122

The Traditional and Newer Classifications of Types of Validity Evidence, 123

The Issue of Face Validity, 124

Content Validity, 124

Application to Achievement Tests, 124

Instructional Validity, 126

Application to Employment Tests, 127

Content Validity in Other Areas, 128

Problems with Content Validity, 128

Criterion-Related Validity, 129

External, Realistic Criterion, 130

Contrasted Groups, 132

Correlations with Other Tests, 133

Special Considerations for Interpreting Criterion-Related Validity, 134

The Reliability–Validity Relationship, 135

Combining Information from Different Tests, 138

Decision Theory: Basic Concepts and Terms, 141

Hits, False Positives, and False Negatives, 142

Base Rate, 143

Sensitivity and Specificity, 144

Construct Validity, 145

Internal Structure, 146

Factor Analysis, 146

Response Processes, 148

Effect of Experimental Variables, 148

Developmental Changes, 149

Consequential Validity, 149

Test Bias as Part of Validity, 150

The Practical Concerns, 151

Integrating the Evidence, 151

In the Final Analysis: A Relative Standard, 152

Summary, 152

Key Terms, 153

Exercises, 153

6 Test Development and Item Analysis, 155

Introduction, 155

Defining the Test’s Purpose, 156

Preliminary Design Issues, 157

Origin of New Tests, 158

Item Preparation, 159

Types of Test Items, 160

Selected-Response Items, 160

Scoring Selected-Response Items, 162

Constructed-Response Items, 162

Scoring Constructed-Response Items, 163

The Pros and Cons of Selected-Response versus Constructed-Response Items, 166

Suggestions for Writing Selected-Response Items, 167

Suggestions for Writing Constructed-Response Items, 167

Some Practical Considerations in Writing Items, 168

Technology-based Innovations in Item Structure, 169

Item Analysis, 169

Item Tryout, 170

Item Statistics, 170

Item Difficulty, 171

Item Discrimination, 171

Examples of Item Statistics, 172

Item Statistics in Item Response Theory, 174

Factor Analysis as an Item Analysis Technique, 177

Item Selection, 178

Computer-Adaptive Testing, 181

Standardization and Ancillary Research Programs, 183

Preparation of Final Materials and Publication, 184

Summary, 185

Key Terms, 185

Exercises, 185

7 Fairness and Bias, 187

Fairness: Gaining Perspective, 187

Methods of Studying Test Fairness, 190

Panel Review, 191

Differential Item Functioning, 192

Differential Prediction, 194

Measurement Invariance, 196

Accommodations and Modifications, 197

Research on Accommodations, 198

Some Tentative Conclusions about Test Fairness, 199

Summary, 200

Key Terms, 201

Exercises, 201

Part 2

8 Cognitive Abilities: Individual Tests, 205

Some Cases, 205

Introduction to Cognitive Ability Tests, 206

Some Terminology, 206

Real-World Correlates of Cognitive Abilities, 207

Structure of Cognitive Abilities, 208

Uses and Characteristics of Individual Cognitive Ability Tests, 211

Typical Items in an Individual Intelligence Test, 213

The Wechsler Scales: An Overview, 215

Historical Introduction, 215

Weschsler’s Concept of Intelligence, 216

Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale—Fourth Edition, 216

Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children—Fifth Edition, 223

WISC versus WAIS, 223

Psychometric Characteristics of WISC-V, 224

The Stanford-Binet, 225

Transition to New Structure: SB4 and SB5, 225

Psychometric Characteristics of SB5, 226

Brief Individually Administered Tests of Mental Ability, 227

Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, 227

Two Other Entries, 231

A Test of a Specific Cognitive Ability: The Wechsler Memory Scale, 231

Intellectual Disability, 235

Changing Terminology, 236

The Concept of Adaptive Behavior, 236

Definition of Intellectual Disability, 237

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 238

Other Applications