Test Bank Principles of Life Digital Update 3rd Edition by David M. Hillis


Test Bank Principles of Life Digital Update 3rd Edition by David M. Hillis

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Product Description

Test Bank Principles of Life Digital Update 3rd Edition by David M. Hillis

Principles of Life Digital Update provides a comprehensive overview of essential biological concepts, emphasizing scientific thinking and practical skills. This edition incorporates updates to reflect recent scientific advancements and includes digital tools to enhance learning. The book covers a wide range of topics from cellular biology to ecology, with interactive features designed to engage students actively in the learning process.

ISBN-10: 1319450296, ISBN-13: 978-1319450298

David M. Hillis, Mary V. Price, Richard W. Hill, David W. Hall, Marta J. Laskowski

Table of Contents

Part 1: Cells
2. Life’s Chemistry and the Importance of Water
3. Nucleic Acids, Proteins, and Enzymes
4. Cell Structure and Membranes
5. Cell Metabolism: Synthesis and Degradation of Biological Molecules
6. Cell Signals and Responses

Part 2: Genetics
7. The Cell Cycle and Cell Division
8. Inheritance, Genes, and Chromosomes
9. DNA and Its Role in Heredity
10. From DNA to Protein: Gene Expression
11. Regulation of Gene Expression
12. Genomes

Part 3: Evolution
13. Processes of Evolution
14. Reconstructing and Using Phylogenies
15. Evolution of Genes and Genomes
16. Speciation
17. The History of Life on Earth

Part 4: Diversity
18. Bacteria, Archaea, and Viruses
19. The Origin and Diversification of Eukaryotes
20. The Evolution of Plants
21. The Evolution and Diversity of Fungi
22. Animal Origins and Diversity

Part 5: Plant Form and Function
23. The Plant Body
24. Plant Nutrition and Transport
25. Plant Growth and Development
26. Reproduction of Flowering Plants
27. Plants in the Environment

Part 6: Animal Form and Function
28. Temperature, Energy, Matter, and Homeostasis
29. Animals in Their Environments
30. Breathing and Circulation
31. Neurons, Sense Organs, and Nervous Systems
32. Control by the Endocrine and Nervous Systems
33. Muscle and Movement
34. Animal Reproduction
35. Animal Development
36. Immunology
37. Animal Behavior

Part 7: Ecology
38. Ecological Systems in Time and Space
39. Populations
40. Interactions within and among Species
41. Ecological Communities
42. The Global Ecosystem