Test Bank Principles of Economics A Streamlined Approach 3th by Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke


Test Bank Principles of Economics A Streamlined Approach 3th by Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke

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Product Description

Test Bank Principles of Economics A Streamlined Approach 3th by Robert Frank and Ben Bernanke

Principles of Economics: A Streamlined Approach aims to provide a deeper understanding of economics by focusing on core concepts. It is designed to be accessible by emphasizing active learning, reducing math complexity, and enhancing engagement with digital resources. This edition includes content related to real-world scenarios such as the COVID-19 pandemic and encourages students to think like “economic naturalists.”

ISBN-10: 0078021820 ISBN-13: 9780078021824

Robert Frank, Ben Bernanke

Table of Contents
1. Thinking Like an Economist 2. Supply and Demand 3. A Brief Look at Macroeconomics 4. Demand and Elasticity 5. Perfectly Competitive Supply 6. Efficiency, Exchange, and the Invisible Hand in Action 7. Monopoly, Oligopoly, and Monopolistic Competition 8. Games and Strategic Behavior 9. Externalities and Property Rights 10. Using Economics to Make Better Policy Choices 11. International Trade and Trade Policy 12. Macroeconomics: The Bird’s-eye View of the Economy 13. Measuring Economic Activity: GDP, Unemployment, and Inflation 14. Economic Growth, Productivity, and Living Standards 15. The Labor Market: Workers, Wages, and Unemployment 16. Saving and Capital Formation 17. Money, the Federal Reserve, and Global Financial Markets 18. Short-Term Economic Fluctuations and Fiscal Policy 19. Stabilizing the Economy: The Role of the Fed 20. Inflation and Aggregate Supply 21. Exchange Rates and the Open Economy