Test Bank Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice 1st Edition by Allan Edward Barsky


Test Bank Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice 1st Edition by Allan Edward Barsky

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Product Description

Test Bank Essential Ethics for Social Work Practice 1st Edition by Allan Edward Barsky

This book is designed to equip social work students with the foundational knowledge, skills, and critical thinking necessary to practice ethical and professional behavior. It covers ethical theories, social work values, and how to manage ethical dilemmas.

ISBN-10: 0197585132ISBN-13: 978-0197585139

Allan Edward Barsky

Table Of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction to Social Work Values and EthicsChapter 2: Managing Ethical IssuesChapter 3: Social JusticeChapter 4: Client Autonomy, Self-Determination, and Informed ConsentChapter 5: Privacy, Confidentiality, and ExceptionsChapter 6: Professional Competence, Incompetence, and ImpairmentChapter 7: Cultural Competence, Humility, Awareness, and ResponsivenessChapter 8: Professional Boundaries, Dual Relationships, and Conflicts of InterestChapter 9: Responsibilities in Practice SettingsChapter 10: Access to ServicesChapter 11: Honesty and IntegrityChapter 12: Social Work Accountability and RegulationChapter 13: Risk-Benefit ManagementChapter 14: ConclusionGlossaryBibliographyIndex​