Test Bank Electric Circuits 1st Edition by Dr. James S. Kang


Test Bank Electric Circuits 1st Edition by Dr. James S. Kang

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Product Description

Test Bank Electric Circuits 1st Edition by Dr. James S. Kang

This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to electric circuits, integrating practical design practices and simulations. The book includes clear step-by-step examples, practical exercises, and problems with solutions for self-guided study. It covers a wide range of topics from DC circuits to advanced topics such as Laplace transformed circuits, with extensive use of MATLAB, PSpice, and Simulink for circuit analysis and simulations.

ISBN-10: 1305635213
ISBN-13: 9781305635210

Dr. James S. Kang

Table of Contents
1. Voltage, Current, Power, and Sources
2. Circuit Laws
3. Circuit Analysis Methods
4. Circuit Theorems
5. Operational Amplifier Circuits
6. Capacitors and Inductors
7. RL and RC Circuits
8. RLC Circuits
9. Phasors and Impedances
10. Analysis of Phasor Transformed Circuits
11. AC Power
12. Three-Phase Systems
13. Magnetically Coupled Circuits
14. Laplace Transform
15. Circuits Analysis in the s-Domain
16. First and Second Order Analog Filters