Test Bank DK Speaker 1st Edition by Lisa A. Ford


Test Bank DK Speaker 1st Edition by Lisa A. Ford

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Product Description

Test Bank DK Speaker 1st Edition by Lisa A. Ford

This concise public speaking guide pairs all the benefits of a brief text with a full-color, highly visual DK design.

Based on the innovative, student- and instructor-tested DK Guide to Public Speaking, this compact handbook places a greater focus on “how to” and core skills while maintaining the groundbreaking, illustrative style and effective pedagogical framework.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0205870120
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0205870127

Lisa Ford-Brown (Author), Dorling Kindersley (Author)

Table Of Contents
In this Section:

1) Brief Table of Contents

2) Full Table of Contents

1) Brief Table of Contents

Part 1: Starting

of Public Speaking

Chapter 1:
Getting to Know Your Audience and Situation

Chapter 2:
Selecting Your Purpose and Topic

Part 2: Researching

Chapter 3:
Locating Support Materials

Chapter 4:
Selecting and Testing Support Materials

Part 3: Creating

Chapter 5:
Outlining Your Speech

Chapter 6:
Organizing the Speech Body

Chapter 7:
Introducing and Concluding Your Speech

Part 4: Presenting

Chapter 8:
Using Language Successfully

Chapter 9:
Delivering Your Speech

Chapter 10:
Using Presentation Aids

Part 5: Listening and Evaluating

Chapter 11:

Chapter 12:
Evaluating Speeches

Part 6: Speaking to Inform

Chapter 13:
The Informative Speech

Part 7: Speaking to Persuade

Chapter 14:
Tools for Persuading

Chapter 15:
The Persuasive Speech

Part 8: Speaking on Special Occasions

Chapter 16:
Speeches for Special Events

2) Full Table of Contents

Part 1: Starting

Overview of Public Speaking

How public speaking helps you

Be a successful public speaker

Overcome a fear of speaking

Face your fear head on

Learn techniques that work for you

Practice, practice, practice

Be an ethical public speaker

The process of communicating

The creative process for public speaking

Using the steps in this book

Chapter 1:
Getting to Know
Your Audience and

What you need to know about your audience

Traits to investigate

Personal traits

Psychological traits

Social traits

What you need to know about the situation

Locate information

Adapt to your audience

Chapter 2: Selecting Your Purpose and Topic

Select a topic

Narrow your topic

Construct a working outline

Part 2: Researching

Chapter 3:
Locating Support

The Internet

Using the Internet to access libraries

The library

On the Internet and in libraries



Take good research notes

Chapter 4:
Selecting and
Testing Support

Types of support materials
Choose types of sources

Evaluate support materials

Use materials effectively
Cite sources orally

Part 3: Creating

Chapter 5:
Outlining Your

Why you need an outline

Parts of an outline
Create an outline

Types of outlines

Link your speech parts

Cite sources in your outline

Create a source page

Chapter 6:
Organizing the
Speech Body

Organizational strategies
Make a speech out of a strategy

Chapter 7:
Introducing and
Concluding Your

What an introduction should do


Organizing an introduction

What a conclusion should do

“WOW” statements

Organizing a conclusion

Part 4: Presenting

Chapter 8:
Using Language

What makes language important

Use language effectively

Chapter 9:
Delivering Your

Elements of vocal delivery

Elements of physical delivery

Methods of delivery

Preparing for an extemporaneous speech

Chapter 10:
Using Presentation

Types of presentation aids

Determine what presentation aids you need

Methods for displaying aids

Crafting an effective aid

Presentation software

Using aids successfully

Part 5: Listening and Evaluating

Chapter 11: Listening

The process of listening

Types of listening

What can prevent listening

Help your audience listen

How you can listen more effectively

Chapter 12: Evaluating Speeches

Why evaluation is important

Evaluating speeches

Who evaluates your speech

Part 6: Speaking to Inform

Chapter 13: The Informative Speech

The process for informative speaking

What informative speaking is

Choose and research an informative topic

Construct an informative outline

Organize an informative speech

Present or evaluate an informative speech

Part 7: Speaking to Persuade

Chapter 14: Tools for Persuading

What a persuasive speech should do

Traditional appeals

Modern appeals

Parts of an argument

Types of arguments

Faulty arguments

Chapter 15: The Persuasive Speech

The process for persuasive speaking

Choose and research a persuasive topic

Construct a persuasive outline

Organize a persuasive speech

Present or evaluate a persuasive speech

Part 8: Speaking on Special Occasions

Chapter 16: Speeches for Special Events

The process for special occasion speaking

Special occasion speech purposes

Writing a special occasion speech

Types of special occasion speeches