Test Bank Cultural Anthropology Contemporary Public and Critical Readings 2nd Edition by Keri Vacanti Brondo
Test Bank Cultural Anthropology Contemporary Public and Critical Readings 2nd Edition by Keri Vacanti Brondo
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Product Description
Test Bank Cultural Anthropology Contemporary Public and Critical Readings 2nd Edition by Keri Vacanti Brondo
This anthology helps students think anthropologically by introducing core concepts through engaging case studies. The reader emphasizes public, critical, and applied anthropology with contemporary selections, encouraging students to consider anthropologys value in modern society and its relevance in their own lives​
ISBN-10: 019092523X, ISBN-13: 978-0190925239
Keri Vacanti Brondo
Table Of Contents
Practicing Anthropology TodayPart 1: Thinking Anthropologically1.1 A Dispute in Donggo1.2 Tricking and Tripping1.3 Cultural Relativism and Universal Human Rights1.4 Maxwells DemonsPart 2: Communicating Culture2.1 Shakespeare in the Bush2.2 What Are You Laughing At?2.3 Sex, Lies, and Conversation2.4 Speaking Like a Minority2.5 Anything Can Happen on YouTubePart 3: Belief Systems3.1 Baseball Magic3.2 No Peace in the House3.3 The Politics of RighteousnessPart 4: Marriage, Family, Gender, and Sexuality4.1 When Brothers Take a Wife4.2 Death Without Weeping4.3 Hijra and SadhinPart 5: Race, Ethnicity, Class, and Inequality5.1 Can White Men Jump?5.2 Maintaining Whiteness5.3 Intimate ApartheidPart 6: Medical Anthropology6.1 An Anthropology of Structural Violence6.2 Bad Biocitizens?6.3 Democracy as Social Action​