Test Bank Biology How Life Works 3rd Edition by James Morris


Test Bank Biology How Life Works 3rd Edition by James Morris

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Product Description

Test Bank Biology How Life Works 3rd Edition by James Morris

Biology: How Life Works is a comprehensive introductory biology textbook designed to teach students to think like scientists. It includes content that helps students move beyond introductory courses by developing scientific skills through self-paced tutorials and ‘How Do We Know?’ activities. The book integrates Achieve, an online companion that includes teaching and assessment tools, offering a seamless learning experience with pre-class, in-class, and post-class activities.

Print ISBN: 9781319248048, eText ISBN: 9781319248055

James Morris, Elena Lozovsky, Jean Heitz, John Merrill, Randall Phillis, Debra Pires, Daniel Hartl

Table of Contents
1. Life: Chemical, Cellular, and Evolutionary Foundations
2. The Molecules of Life
3. Nucleic Acids and the Encoding of Biological Information
4. Translation and Protein Structure
5. Organizing Principles: Lipids, Membranes, and Cell Compartments
6. Making Life Work: Capturing and Using Energy
7. Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Energy from Carbohydrates and Other Fuel Molecules
8. Photosynthesis: Using Sunlight to Build Carbohydrates
9. Cell Communication
10. Cell Form and Function
11. Cell Division: Variations, Regulation, and Cancer
12. Inheritance
13. DNA Replication
14. Genomes
15. Mutation and DNA Repair
16. Control of Gene Expression
17. Developmental Genetics
18. Evolutionary Patterns and Processes
19. The Tree of Life: Prokaryotes, Eukaryotes, and the Deep History of Life
20. Plants: Form, Function, and Evolutionary History
21. Animal Form, Function, and Evolutionary History
22. Ecology and the Environment
23. Population Ecology
24. Communities and Ecosystems
25. The Biosphere