Test Bank Bioethics Principles Issues and Cases 5th Edition by Lewis Vaughn


Test Bank Bioethics Principles Issues and Cases 5th Edition by Lewis Vaughn

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Product Description

Test Bank Bioethics Principles Issues and Cases 5th Edition by Lewis Vaughn

“Bioethics: Principles, Issues, and Cases, 5th Edition” explores key bioethical issues through philosophical, medical, social, and legal perspectives, integrating classic cases and current debates to engage students with ethical challenges in healthcare.

ISBN-10: 0197609023, ISBN-13: 9780197609026

Lewis Vaughn

Table of contents:
1. Moral Reasoning in Bioethics
2. Bioethics and Moral Theories
3. Paternalism and Patient Autonomy
4. Truth-Telling and Confidentiality
5. Informed Consent
6. Human Research
7. Abortion
8. Reproductive Technology
9. Genetic Choices
10. Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide
11. Dividing Up Health Care Resources
12. Pandemic Ethics
13. Race, Racial Bias, and Health Care