Test Bank American Government Institutions and Policies 17th Editio by James Q. Wilson


Test Bank American Government Institutions and Policies 17th Editio by James Q. Wilson

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Product Description

Test Bank American Government Institutions and Policies 17th Editio by James Q. Wilson

The 17th edition of American Government: Institutions and Policies provides a thorough overview of the American political system, focusing on the significance of governmental institutions, historical developments, and current political issues. It examines the roles and powers of various branches of government, the development of policies, and who governs in the U.S., exploring the impact of recent political events such as the Trump and Biden administrations, the 2022 elections, and significant Supreme Court decisions.

ISBN-10: 0357459652, ISBN-13: 9780357459652

James Q. Wilson, John J. DiIulio Jr., Meena Bose, Matthew S. Levendusky

Table of Contents
Part I: The American System
1. The Study of American Government
2. The Constitution
3. Federalism
4. American Political Culture
5. Civil Liberties
6. Civil Rights
Part II: The Institutions of Government
7. Congress
8. The Presidency
9. The Bureaucracy
10. The Judiciary
Part III: Political Parties, Interest Groups, and Mass Media
11. Political Parties
12. Interest Groups
13. The Media
Part IV: Public Policy and Political Culture
14. Political Beliefs and Behaviors
15. Public Policy and Administration
16. Economic Policy
17. Social Policy
18. Foreign and Defense Policy