Test Bank American Government in Black and White 5th Edition by McClain Tauber


Test Bank American Government in Black and White 5th Edition by McClain Tauber

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Product Description

Test Bank American Government in Black and White 5th Edition by McClain Tauber

American Government in Black and White: Diversity and Democracy, Fifth Edition, covers the standard topics found in an Introduction to American Government text while also speaking to todays students who want to examine how racial inequality has shaped—and will continue to shape—who we are and what we believe. The authors address issues of inequality in American government, including the U.S. Constitution, key political institutions, and the making of public policy while showing how to measure and evaluate the importance of equality in America, from its founding up to today.

ISBN-10: 019753418X
ISBN-13: 9780197534182

Paula D. McClain, Steven C. Tauber

Table Of Contents
1. The Foundations of American Government
2. The Constitution
3. Federalism
4. Civil Liberties
5. Civil Rights
6. Congress
7. The Presidency
8. The Bureaucracy
9. The Judiciary
10. Public Opinion
11. The Media
12. Political Parties
13. Voting and Elections
14. Interest Groups
15. Domestic Policy
16. Foreign Policy