Refund and Returns Policy

What is your return/refund policy?

What is your return/refund policy?

To clarify, we will NOT issue refunds for any of the following reasons. Note that this is not a comprehensive list and unless otherwise stated in this policy, refunds will not be granted for any reason. We may, at our discretion, offer store credit for situations in which a refund is not an available remedy

1. You thought you were purchasing the textbook.

2. You feel the test bank or solution manual lacks sufficient content, e.g. you were looking for short answer questions but the test bank only contains multiple choice. This is one of the reasons we provide a sample chapter for every test bank we sell; the sample should eliminate any confusion regarding the test bank’s contents.

2. The test bank did not meet your expectations.

3. You purchased the wrong edition.

4. You are unable to open the compressed file(s) or individual chapter files contained within. If we deem the issue is on our end, we will either replace the files or, at our discretion, refund the purchase. Otherwise, it is your responsibility to make sure you have the appropriate software to open and view the files. That said, we recognize that technology is not a perfect science, so should you run into any problems, we are always happy to assist you.

We will issue full or partial refunds if you received the wrong test bank and we are unable to replace it with the correct one. As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns.