Test Bank World in the Making A Global History 1st Edition by Bonnie G. Smith
Test Bank World in the Making A Global History 1st Edition by Bonnie G. Smith
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Test Bank World in the Making A Global History 1st Edition by Bonnie G. Smith
Featuring a renowned author team and the best recent scholarship, World in the Making: A Global History is the first world history text to explore both the global and local dimensions of world history.
ISBN-10 : 0190849231
ISBN-13 : 978-0190849238
Bonnie G. Smith (Author), Marc Van De Mieroop (Author), Richard von Glahn (Author), Kris Lane (Author)
Table Of Contents
Studying with Maps
Special Features
Notes on Dates and Spelling
About the Authors
Quick Reference Material
PART 1: The Ancient World, from Human Origins to 500 C.E.
1 Peopling the World, to 4000 B.C.E.
Human Origins
Evolution of the Human Species
Out of Africa
Paleolithic Food Gatherers 2,000,000–9000 B.C.E.
The Gatherer-Hunter Economy
Life in Paleolithic Communities
The First Neolithic Farmers 9000–4000 B.C.E.
The Origins of Agriculture
Life in Neolithic Communities
COUNTERPOINT: Gatherer-Hunters by Choice: Aborigines of Australia
Understanding the History of Aborigines
A Lifestyle in Harmony with the Natural World
The Conscious Choice to Gather and Hunt
Religious Life and Social Organization
2 Temples and Palaces: Birth of the City 5000–1200 B.C.E.
Origins of Urban Society: Mesopotamia 5000–3200 B.C.E.
The Environmental Challenge
Irrigation and Its Impact
The First Cities 3200–1600 B.C.E.
The Power of the Temple
The Might of the Palace
The New Order of Society
City Life and Learning
The Invention of Writing
The Expansion of Knowledge
The First International Order 1600–1200 B.C.E.
From City-States to Territorial States in the Eastern Mediterranean
International Relations
Kings and Commoners: An Unequal System
COUNTERPOINT: Egypt’s Distinct Path to Statehood
Egypt’s Geography and Early History
Egyptian Ideology of Kingship
The New Culture of Statehood
3 Settlers and Migrants: The Creation of States in Asia 5000–500 B.C.E.
Early Agricultural Societies of South and East Asia 5000–1000 B.C.E.
Settled Farmers of the River Valleys
Nomadic Herders of the Steppe
The Indus Valley Culture 2600–1900 B.C.E.
Urban Society in the Indus Valley
Harappan Crafts and Long-Distance Trade
The End of the Indus Valley Culture
The Indo-Europeans 3000–1000 B.C.E.
Indo-European Languages
Indo-European Migrations
Indo-European Speakers and Eurasian History
India’s Vedic Age 1500–500 B.C.E.
Vedic Origins
Rise of a New Society: Families, Clans, and Castes
Vedic Religion
Developments in Vedic Ideas
The Early Chinese Dynasties 2000–771 B.C.E.
Re-creating Early China: Literary Traditions and the Archaeological Record
The Growth of States 2000–1570 B.C.E.
The Shang Dynasty and the Consolidation of Power 1570–1027 B.C.E.
The Early Zhou Dynasty and the Extension of Power 1027–771 B.C.E.
COUNTERPOINT: The Oxus People: A Short-Lived Culture in Central Asia 2100–1700 B.C.E.
4 Empire and Resistance in the Mediterranean 1550–330 B.C.E.
Imperial Egypt and Nubia 1550 B.C.E.–350 C.E.
The Imperial Might of New Kingdom Egypt 1550–1070 B.C.E.
Nubia’s Rise and Rule of Egypt 1000–660 B.C.E.
The Nubian Kingdom of Meroe 400 B.C.E.–350 C.E.
Rise and Fall of the Assyrian Empire 900–612 B.C.E.
Assyria: A Society as War Machine
Imperial Governance
Imperial Subjects: Israel and Judah in the Assyrian Empire
Culture and Identity in the Assyrian Empire
Failure of the Assyrian System
The Persian Empire 550–330 B.C.E.
The Course of Empire
Administering a Multicultural Empire
Zoroastrianism in a Polytheistic World
COUNTERPOINT: On the Edge of Empire: The People of Ancient Greece 800–500 B.C.E.
Greek Colonization of the Mediterranean 800–500 B.C.E.
Growth of the City-State in Early Greece 800–500 B.C.E.
Struggle Between Persia and Greece 500–479 B.C.E.
The Peloponnesian War and the End of Athenian Supremacy 431–404 B.C.E.
5 Peoples and World Empires of Eurasia 500 B.C.E.–500 C.E.
India: Thinkers, Traders, and Courtly Cultures 500 B.C.E.–500 C.E.
Religious Ferment: The Rise of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism
Unity and Fragmentation: The Mauryan and Gupta Empires
A Crossroads of Trade
Literary and Scientific Flowering
China’s First Empires: The Qin and Han Dynasties 221 B.C.E.–220 C.E.
Intellectual Churning: Confucians, Daoists, and Legalists
Unification and Centralization: The Worlds of Qin and Han
Preserving and Spreading the Written Word
Greece: Intellectuals and Innovators 500–30 B.C.E.
Athens’s Golden Age 500–400 B.C.E.
Hellenism: The Expansion of Greek Ideals and Institutions 323–30 B.C.E.
COUNTERPOINT: The Celtic Peoples of the Atlantic Zone
Who Were the Celts?
Celtic Ways of Life
Contacts with the Mediterranean
6 The Unification of Western Eurasia 500 B.C.E.–500 C.E.
Rome: A Republican Center of Power 500–27 B.C.E.
From Village to World Empire
Society and Politics in the Republic
Failure of the Republic
Rome: The Empire 27 B.C.E.–212 C.E.
Emperors and Armies
The Provincial System and the Diffusion of Roman Culture
Christianity: From Jewish Sect to Imperial Religion
Religions in the Roman Empire
Christianity’s Spread Outside the Jewish Community
Toward a State Religion 50–324 C.E.
Institutionalization of the Christian Church
Transformation of the Roman Empire 200–500 C.E.
Division Between East and West
Economic Strains and Social Tensions
Collapse in the West and Revitalization in the East
COUNTERPOINT: Rome’s Iranian Rivals in the Middle East
The Parthians 247 B.C.E.–224 C.E.
The Sasanids 224–651 C.E.
A Tapestry of Cultures and Religions
7 Reading the Unwritten Record: Peoples of Africa, the Americas, and the Pacific Islands 3000 B.C.E.–500 C.E.
Peoples of Sub-Saharan Africa
Early Hunters and Herders
Bantu Migrations
Peoples of the Americas
The Olmecs 1200–400 B.C.E.
The Early Maya 400 B.C.E.–250 C.E.
Andean Peoples 900 B.C.E.–600 C.E.
Gatherer-Hunters of North America 800 B.C.E.–400 C.E.
Peoples of the Pacific Islands
Agricultural Livelihoods
Peopling the Islands
COUNTERPOINT: The Voiced and Voiceless in Ancient Literate Societies
Uses of the Written Record
The Voiceless Many
PART 2: Crossroads and Cultures 500–1450 C.E.
8 The Worlds of Christianity and Islam 400–1000
Multiple Christianities 400–850
The Christian Church in Byzantium
Christianity in Asia and Africa
Christian Communities in Western Europe
Social and Political Renewal in the Post-Roman World 400–850
Crisis and Survival of the Byzantine Empire
The Germanic Successor States in Western Europe
Economic Contraction and Renewal in Christendom
Origins of the Slavs and the Founding of Rus
The Rise and Spread of Islam 610–750
The Prophet Muhammad and the Faith of Islam
The Islamic Empire of the Umayyad Caliphs 661–750
From Unified Caliphate to Islamic Commonwealth 750–1000
Rise of the Abbasid Caliphs
Rise of the Religious Scholars
Collapse of the Unified Caliphate
COUNTERPOINT: The Norse Vikings: The New Barbarians
The Viking Raids 790–1020
Norse Emigration and Colonization
9 Religion and Cross-Cultural Exchange in Asia 400–1000
Steppe Peoples and Settled Societies of Central Asia
Nomad Conquerors of China: The Northern Wei 386–534
Rise of the Turks
A Turkic Khanate in the West: The Khazars
The Shaping of East Asia
The Chinese Transformation of Buddhism
Reunification of the Chinese Empire: The Sui Dynasty 581–618
The Power of Tang China 618–907
China and Its Neighbors
The Consolidation of Hindu Society in India
Land and Wealth
Devotional Worship in Hinduism
New Economic and Social Trends
Court Society and Culture
The Spread of Indian Traditions to Southeast Asia
Commerce and Religious Change in Southeast Asia
Religion and State Power
Indian Religions in Southeast Asia: A Summing-Up
COUNTERPOINT: Sogdian Traders in Central Asia and China
A Robust Commercial Economy
Breakdown of the Trade Network
10 Societies and Networks in the Americas and the Pacific 300–1200
The Classical Age of Mesoamerica and Its Aftermath
Political Power and Ideology in Mesoamerica
The City-State of Teotihuacán
The Maya Ci