Test Bank Thermodynamics for Engineers SI Edition 1st Edition by Kenneth A. Kroos


Test Bank Thermodynamics for Engineers SI Edition 1st Edition by Kenneth A. Kroos

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Product Description

Test Bank Thermodynamics for Engineers SI Edition 1st Edition by Kenneth A. Kroos

Thermodynamics for Engineers, SI Edition provides an introduction to thermodynamic principles with a focus on engineering applications. The book emphasizes problem-solving techniques and offers numerous examples to illustrate concepts. The SI edition is tailored to suit international readers, incorporating units and applications relevant to global engineering practices. It covers fundamental topics such as the laws of thermodynamics, properties of substances, energy analysis, and cycles.

Print ISBN-10: 1133112870, Print ISBN-13: 9781133112877

Kenneth A. Kroos, Merle C. Potter

Table of Contents
1. Introduction and Basic Concepts
2. Energy, Energy Transfer, and General Energy Analysis
3. Properties of Pure Substances
4. Energy Analysis of Closed Systems
5. Mass and Energy Analysis of Control Volumes
6. The Second Law of Thermodynamics
7. Entropy
8. Power and Refrigeration Cycles
9. Thermodynamic Property Relations
10. Gas Mixtures
11. Chemical Reactions
12. Chemical and Phase Equilibrium
13. Compressible Flow