Test Bank The Responsible Journalist An Introduction to News Reporting and Writing 1st Edition by Jennie Dear


Test Bank The Responsible Journalist An Introduction to News Reporting and Writing 1st Edition by Jennie Dear

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Test Bank The Responsible Journalist An Introduction to News Reporting and Writing 1st Edition by Jennie Dear

The Responsible Journalist: An Introduction to News Reporting and Writing teaches reporting and writing skills from a liberal arts perspective with the understanding that at its heart, journalism is about public service.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0199732345
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0199732340

Jennie Dear (Author), Faron Scott (Author)

Table Of Contents
Unit 1: What Distinguishes a Good Journalist?

Habits of mind





Chapter 1: The Publics Champion

Defining news media in an era of new media

If people govern themselves, they need a free press

— A bit of historical review

— The press as watchdog

Box 1-1: Bezos buys Wapo

Box 1-2: The First Amendment

Exercises for Chapter 1

Chapter 2: How Do Ethics and Critical Thinking Apply to Everyday Reporting?


— Stakeholders

— Fairness in stories

— Fairness and diversity across coverage


— Transparency

Freedom and Autonomy

— Freedom from manipulation

— Conflict of interest


Truth telling

— Factual accuracy

— Contextual truths

—- A caveat

An ethics case study: The facts of the case

— Who are the stakeholders?

Truth telling: What do we know is true?

— Factual accuracy

—- Is the autopsy report factually accurate?

—- Do you include the blood test results?

—- Do you include the murderers accusation?

— Contextual truth

Humaneness-to whom?

Freedom: keeping the decision independent

Justice: Whats fairest to all the stakeholders?

Stewardship: stepping back to think about journalisms credibility

Making the decision

How the Durango Herald explained its decision

Box 2-1: Facebook co-founder says magazines profits linked to quality

Box 2-2: Prize-winning journalism

Box 2-3: The autopsy story

Exercises for Chapter 2

Unit 2: Get It in Writing

Habits of mind


— Whats this mean for a working journalist?

News values

Deeper cultural concerns

Chapter 3: How is News Language Different?

Newswriting emphasizes reports

— Information you can verify

— Inferences may be based on insufficient information

— Judgments sometimes shut down thought

Newswriting usually avoids first-person references

Newswriting is concise and direct

— Fewer modifiers

— Simple sentence structures

— Active voice

Newswriting uses short paragraphs

Newswriting tries to use language fairly

Newswriting is consistent: an introduction to AP Style


Exercises for Chapter 3

Chapter 4: How Do You Tell a Basic News Story?

The inverted pyramid: an introduction

— Begin with whats most important and save the rest for later

— A news story example

— Avoid suspense when youre delivering news

— Your audience helps determine a storys form

Inverted pyramid leads

— Who, what, when, where-and sometimes how and why

— Brevity

— Leads include the most important details

— Delay precise identification

— The language of inverted pyramid leads

— Good leads are like poetry

Beyond the lead

— The second paragraph

— The third paragraph

— Later paragraphs

Box 4-1: literary journalism is the un inverted pyramid

Box 4-2: Heres what literary journalism looks like

Box 4-3: writing a broadcast lead

Exercises for Chapter 4

Chapter 5: The Story Changes with the Medium

News stories in print

Radio news stories: an overview

— Writing a radio news story

— Introduce sound bites clearly

— A story with voice-over

— A story with sound bites

Adding the visual element

— Writing a television or video news story

Online news stories: an overview

— Writing an online news story

—- Online news stories use brief summaries or decks

—- Online news stories link to other information

—- Online news stories are more likely to use subheadings


Box 5-1: a comparison of storytelling across media

Box 5-2: tips for print writing

Box 5-3: tips for radio/audio writing

Box 5-4: tips for television/video writing

Box 5-5: tips for online writing

Exercises for Chapter 5

Unit 3: Background for Your Stories

Habits of mind

— A bit of internet history

Chapter 6: A Journalists Skeptical Research

Filtering for accuracy: Two examples

Time to start searching

Searching the Internet

— Search engine insights

— Websites for journalists

— What does a journalist use from the Web?

Website credibility

— Identity and motivation

— Authority

— Accuracy

— Timeliness

— Blogs and aggregator sites

Social media for journalists

— Evaluating social media videos

Going offline

Box 6-1: using social media to report breaking news

Exercises for Chapter 6

Chapter 7: Plagiarism and Copyright Infringement: Stealing Other Peoples Stuff


— Avoiding plagiarism is a skill

Copyright and Fair Use

— What can be copyrighted-and for how long?

— Some copyrighted information is fair game: The Fair Use Doctrine

Box 7-1: Five ways to avoid plagiarizing by mistake

Box 7-2: Whats public?

Box 7-3: How do you know whether your use is “fair”?

Box 7-4: when would a journalist be in danger of violating copyrights?

Exercises for Chapter 7

Unit 4: Working with Sources

Habits of mind

Your position, your judgment and your practice

Lenses: A metaphor for worldview

Objective reporting

— Biased journalism

— A brief history

— Critiques

—- Incomplete reporting

—- Passive reporting

Box H4-01: Avoiding false balance


Chapter 8: Who Gets the Spotlight?

Beyond convention and convenience in source selection

— Whats news depends on whom you interview

— Dont let sources turn you into propagandists

Good practices

— Confirm facts with more than one source

— Allow people to defend themselves

— Report diversity

—- Covering race and ethnicity

— Be aware of bias-or its appearance-when you select sources

— Distance yourself from sources

— Interview primary sources

— Interview expert sources…

— …But also interview the people affected by an issue

— Avoid using anonymous sources

— Shield laws help–but dont depend on them too much

— Dont fabricate sources or quotes

Finding Sources

— Ask each source for other sources

— Get out on the street

— Dont forget your own contacts

— Use social media

— When youre stumped for sources, think creatively

Exercises for Chapter 8

Chapter 9: How Do You Conduct an Interview?

Research ahead of time

Plan your questions

Contact your sources

The interview

— In person

— By phone

— By email or text

Privacy-Some information cant go into your story

— Private facts

— Intrusion

—- The Electronic Communications Privacy Act

Exercises for Chapter 9

Chapter 10: How Do You Report What Sources Say?

Guidelines for quoting

— Paraphrase.

— In general, dont mark dialect in quotes.

— Quotation marks mean that what appears between them is what someone actually said.

— Provide context and explanations before a quote, rather than after.

— A reporter should not take quotes out of context.

— Just because a source says something does not mean you have to report it.

— News stories emphasize the speaker rather than the reporter.

— News stories use “said” or “says.”

— Follow basic punctuation rules for quotes.

Quoting multiple sources

Defamation: When people say youve lied

— Standard practice

— Defenses against libel suits

—- Truth

—- Fair comment and criticism and rhetorical hyperbole

—- Privilege

Box 10-01: For broadcast stories, attribution comes first.

Box 10-02: How do you make sure youre not defaming someone?

Exercises for Chapter 10

Chapter 11: Working a Beat

Some basic assumptions about beats

Professional relationships with sources

— Research before you talk to peop