Test Bank Social Inequality in Canada Dimensions of Disadvantage 6th Edition by Edward Grabb


Test Bank Social Inequality in Canada Dimensions of Disadvantage 6th Edition by Edward Grabb

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Product Description

Test Bank Social Inequality in Canada Dimensions of Disadvantage 6th Edition by Edward Grabb

Bringing together twenty-five articles written by experts, Social Inequality in Canada explores the many dimensions of social disadvantage and injustice that exist in this country today.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0199020949
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0199020942

Edward Grabb (Author), Jeffrey G. Reitz (Author), Monica Hwang (Author)

Table Of Contents
Title Page
Copyright Page
General Introduction
Social Inequality: Theoretical and Conceptual Issues
Edward Grabb
Part I: Power and Class
1: Ownership Concentration, Transnational Connections, and State Involvement in the Canadian Economy
Edward Grabb and Monica Hwang
2: The Changing Face(s) of Corporate Power in Canada
William K. Carroll
3: Class Formation in Canada
Jim Conley
Part II: Socio-economic Bases of Social Inequality
A. Income, Wealth, and Poverty
4: Poverty and Income Inequality in Canada
Peter Urmetzer
5: The Distribution of Wealth and Economic Inequality
James B. Davies
B. Occupation
6: Labour Markets, Inequality, and the Future of Work
Wolfgang Lehmann and Tracey L. Adams
7: Choose Your Parents Carefully: Social Class, Post-secondary Education, and Occupational Outcomes
Harvey Krahn
C. Education
8: Educational Attainment among Canadians: Open and Competitive or Closed and Sponsored?
Nicole Malette and Neil Guppy
9: Changing Times, Stubborn Inequalities: Explaining Socioeconomic Stratification in Canadian School
Scott Davies, Vicky Maldonado, and Darren Cyr
Part III: Social Justice and Inequality
A. Ethnicity, Race, Language, and Ancestry
10: First Nations, Inequality, and the Legacy of Colonialism
Charles R. Menzies and Monica Hwang
11: French Canada and Inequality: Quebec’s Quiet Revolution, Fifty Years Later
Pierre Fortin
12: Immigration Trends and Integration Issues: More Than a Century of Change
Monica Boyd and Michael Vickers
13: Racial Inequality, Social Cohesion, and Policy Issues in Canada
Jeffrey G. Reitz and Rupa Banerjee
B. Gender and Sexual Orientation
14: Theorizing Gender Inequality
Tracey L. Adams and Michael Rooyakkers
15: Reproducing the Gender Gap: Work, Inequality, and Neo-liberalism
Brenda Beagan and Gillian Creese
16: Gender Inequality in the Family Setting
Roderic Beaujot, Jianye Liu, and Zenaida Ravanera
17: Sexual Orientation and Social Inequality
Lorne Tepperman and Josh Curtis
C. Age
18: Age and Social Inequality
Neil Guppy
D. Disability
19: Disability and Social Inequality in Canada
Kim Shuey, Andrea Willson, and Katherine Bouchard
E. Region
20: Regional Inequality in Canada: An Enduring Issue?
Mabel Ho and Catherine Corrigall-Brown
Part IV: Some Consequences of Social Inequality
21: Social Inequality and Health
Gerry Veenstra
22: The Homeless: Canada’s Truly Disadvantaged
Tracy Peressini
23: What Do Canadians Think about Individualism and Inequality? The Effects of Social Status
Monica Hwang and Edward Grabb
24: Economic Inequality and Acceptance of Minority Groups in Cross-National Perspective: Is Canada U
Robert Andersen
25: Why Do Skilled Immigrants Struggle in the Labour Market? A Field Experiment with Thirteen Thousa
Philip Oreopoulos
Selected Glossary