Test Bank Revel for Anthropology 15th Edition by Carol R. Ember


Test Bank Revel for Anthropology 15th Edition by Carol R. Ember

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Product Description

Test Bank Revel for Anthropology 15th Edition by Carol R. Ember

This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.

ISBN-13: 9780134732831

Carol R. Ember; Melvin R. Ember

Table Of Contents
1. What Is Anthropology?
2. Culture and Culture Change
3. Culture and the Individual
4. Understanding and Explaining Culture
5. Communication and Language
6. Getting Food
7. Economic Systems
8. Social Stratification: Class, Ethnicity, and Racism
9. Sex and Gender
10. Marriage and the Family
11. Marital Residence and Kinship
12. Associations and Interest Groups
13. Political Life: Social Order and Disorder
14. Religion and Magic
15. The Arts
16. Health and Illness
17. Practicing and Applying Anthropology