Test Bank Psychology 1st Edition by Graham C. Davey
Test Bank Psychology 1st Edition by Graham C. Davey
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Test Bank Psychology 1st Edition by Graham C. Davey
Psychology continues to be one of the most popular fields of study at colleges and universities the world over, and Psychology offers a comprehensive overview of the historical, methodological, and conceptual core of modern psychology
ISBN: 978-1-118-93559-0
Graham C. Davey
Table of Contents
List of Contributors xxi
Preface xxiii
Chapter 1 The Science of Psychology 1
Dominic Upton, Charlotte Taylor, Felicity Penn, and Abbye Andrews
What Is Psychology? 2
Psychology’s Roots: The Path to a Science of Mind and Behaviour 5
Levels of Analysis: Types of Psychology and Their Contribution to Understanding 13
Issues and Debates in Psychology 16
Bias in Psychological Research 22
Psychology at the Cultural Level 25
Psychology Today 29
Psychology in Action: Applying Psychological Science 32
Future Developments 40
Chapter Summary 42
Chapter 2 Research Methods in Psychology 51
Graham Hole
The Scientific Method 52
The Dissemination of Scientific Ideas 55
Quantitative Research Methods 56
Analysing and Interpreting Quantitative Data 77
Qualitative Research Methods 82
Good and Bad Practice in Psychological Research 87
Future Developments 95
Chapter Summary 98
Chapter 3 Evolutionary and Genetic Foundations of Psychology 107
Daniel Nettle
Introduction 108
What Makes You Unique? The Origins of Variation 112
Passing It On: The Mechanisms of Heredity 120
Staying Alive: The Operation of Natural Selection 129
Staying Alive: Selection of Behaviours and Adaptation 134
The Value of Evolution for Psychology 138
Future Directions 147
Chapter Summary 150
Chapter 4 Neuroscience, the Brain, and Behaviour 157
Jamie Ward and Sarah King
Introduction 158
Neurons and Synaptic Transmission 159
Structure of the neuron 160
An Overview of Brain Structures and Their Functions 173
Animal Neuroscience Methods 179
Human Neuroscience Methods 184
Hemispheric Lateralization 192
Plasticity and the Brain 196
Future Directions 199
Chapter Summary 200
Chapter 5 Motivation 209
Graham Davey
Theories of Motivation 210
The Biological Bases of Primary Motivations: Hunger and Drinking 219
The Biological Bases of Primary Motivations: Sex and Aggression 229
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation 240
Affiliation and Achievement Motivation 243
Applications of Theories of Motivation 247
Chapter Summary 250
Chapter 6 Consciousness: Conscious Versus Unconscious Processes 262
Zoltan Dienes and Anil Seth
Introduction 263
Theories of Consciousness: Higher-Order Versus Integration
Conscious Versus Unconscious Memory 270
Conscious Versus Unconscious Perception 279
Conscious Versus Unconscious Learning 292
Conscious Versus Unconscious Intentions: Volition and Hypnotic
Conscious Versus Unconscious Attitudes and Emotions 307
Functions of Consciousness and Future Directions 310
Chapter Summary 312
Chapter 7 Sensation and Perception 324
George Mather
Introduction 325
The Neuroscience of Sensation and Perception 333
Sensory Qualia and Modality 340
Audition 347
Vision: Physiology 354
Visual stimulus 354
Vision: Perceiving Object Properties 360
Multimodal Perception 366
Future Directions 372
Chapter Summary 375
Chapter 8 Learning 382
Mark Haselgrove
Introduction: What Is Learning and Why Does It Happen? 383
Types of Learning 385
Human Causal Learning 404
The Theoretical Basis of Learning 407
The Adaptive Brain: Learning Through Connections 411
Practical and Clinical Applications of Learning 413
Conclusions and Future Directions 421
Chapter Summary 422
Chapter 9 Memory 429
Chris Moulin and Lucie Corbin
What Is Memory? 430
Memory for Beginners: The Cognitive Psychology of Remembering 436
Thinking About Memory: Models and Frameworks 443
Three Dichotomies in Human Memory 449
Future Directions 468
Chapter Summary 472
Chapter 10 Emotion 479
Brian Parkinson
Introduction 480
Emotion Differentiation 481
Facial Expression 496
Appraisal 505
What’s Different About Different Emotions? 515
Conclusions and Future Directions 519
Chapter Summary 521
Chapter 11 Cognitive Development 529
Andy Bremner
Introduction 530
Theories of Development: How Nature and Nurture Interact 532
Research Methods in Developmental Psychology 538
Development of the Brain and Nervous System 541
Multisensory Perceptual Development 547
Sensorimotor Development 556
Cognitive Development 562
Chapter Summary 577
Chapter 12 Language and Thought 589
Alan Garnham
Introduction 590
Language 591
Thinking 609
Language and Thought 639
Chapter Summary 641
Chapter 13 Intelligence 650
Sophie von Stumm
Introduction and Defining Intelligence 651
History of Intelligence 654
Factors of Intelligence 663
Intelligence Development 671
Causes of Individual Differences in Intelligence 676
Alternative Models of Intelligence 684
Future Directions 687
Chapter Summary 689
Chapter 14 Personality 693
Tom Farsides
Introduction to Personality 694
Psychodynamic Personality Theory 697
Trait Personality Theory 708
Humanistic Personality Theory 719
Social Cognitive Personality Theories 730
Behaviourism 731
Observational learning 732
Culture and instruction 733
Self-efficacy beliefs 733
Goals and self-regulation 734
Conclusions and Future Directions 737
Chapter Summary 740
Chapter 15 Mental Health and Psychopathology 750
Frances Meeten and Graham Davey
Introduction to Psychopathology 751
A Brief History of Psychopathology 753
Defining Psychopathology 756
Explanatory Approaches to Psychopathology 760
Classifying Mental Health Problems 766
Mental Health and Stigma 768
Psychological Disorders 771
Conclusions and Future Directions 789
Chapter Summary 791
Chapter 16 The Treatment of Mental Health Problems 803
Kate Cavanagh and Graham Davey
Introduction 804
Psychological Treatments for Mental Health Problems 809
Ways of Delivering Psychological Therapy 822
Social and Environmental Approaches to Treatment 825
Biological Approaches to Treatment 828
Evaluating Treatments for Mental Health Problems 832
Conclusions and Future Directions 842
Chapter Summary 843
Chapter 17 Social Development 855
Lance Slade, Mark Wright, and Robin Banerjee
Introduction 856
Early Emotional Development and Temperament 857
Caregiver–Child Interactions and the Development of Attachment 863
Social Understanding and Self-Regulation 873
Socio-Moral Development 883
Who Am I? The Development of Self and Identity 890
Developing in a Social Context: Family, Peers, and Media 896
Future Directions 907
Chapter Summary 908
Chapter 18 Social Cognition and Attitudes 935
Russell Hutter, Chantelle Wood, Lucy Davies, and Mark Conner
Social Thinking 936
Self and Identity 939
Person Perception 1: Social Inference and Attribution 944
Person Perception 2: Social Cognition and Social Knowledge 948
Stereotyping 952
Attitudes and Attitude Change 958
Automatic Processes in Social Cognition 969
Future Directions 972
Chapter Summary 974
Chapter 19 Interpersonal, Group, and Intergroup Processes 986
Rhiannon N. Turner
Introduction 987
Interpersonal Processes 987
Group Processes 998
Intergroup Processes 1007
Future Directions 1017
Chapter Summary 1018
Index 1029