Test Bank Police and Society 8th Edition by Kenneth Novak


Test Bank Police and Society 8th Edition by Kenneth Novak

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Test Bank Police and Society 8th Edition by Kenneth Novak

Police & Society, Eighth Edition, offers an in-depth and analytical look at policing, from police behavior and organization to operations and historical perspectives.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0190940808
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0190940805

Kenneth Novak (Author), Gary Cordner (Author), Bradley Smith (Author), Roy Roberg (Author)

Table Of Contents


About the Authors


Chapter 1. Police in a Democracy

Policing a Free Society

Police and Government

Police and Rule of Law

Police, Terrorism, and Homeland Security

Police Systems

The U.S. Police System

Other Types of Law Enforcement Agencies

Similarities and Differences

Police Role and Purpose

Law Enforcement or Politics?

Crime-Fighting or Social Service?

Proactive or Reactive?

Police Activities and Workload

Police Goals and Strategies

Looking Ahead


Chapter 2. Police History

Foundations of Policing

Early Policing

Policing in Nineteenth-Century England

The Emergence of Modern Policing in the United States

The First City Police Forces

The County Sheriff

Vigilance Committees

Modern American Policing

The Political Era

Police Development

Criticism in the Political Era

The Reform Era

Southern Colonial and Frontier Police Development: A Minority Perspective on the Development of American Police

State Police

Texas and Massachusetts


Highway Patrol

Federal Law Enforcement

The Revenue Cutter Service and the U.S. Marshal Service

Postal Inspectors

The Secret Service

The Federal Bureau of Investigation


Chapter 3. Legal Issues

Criminal Procedure

Searches and Seizures of Persons

Searches and Seizures of Property

Interrogations and Confessions

Civil Liability

Costs of Liability in Policing

Avenues of Liability

Civil Liability in State Courts

Civil Liability in Federal Courts

Emerging Liability Issues for the Twenty-First Century

Use of Force

Impact on Officers


Chapter 4. Police Strategies

Evolving Strategies of Policing

Landmark Studies of Police Effectiveness

Patrol Studies

Response Time Studies

Criminal Investigation Studies

Strategic Developments

Improving Crime-Control Effectiveness

Improving Police-Community Relations

Improving Professionalism

Developing Evidence-Based Practices

Strategic Alternatives

Community Policing

Problem-Oriented Policing

Intelligence-Led Policing

Predictive Policing

What Works in Policing



Chapter 5. Police Organization and Management

The Managerial Process

The Evolution of Police Management Classical Police Management Behavioral Police Management Contemporary Police Management

Organizational Design Criticisms of the Paramilitary Design Influence of Community Policing Structuring Police Discretion

Managing Police Performance Measuring What Matters Police Organizational Performance Police Unit Performance Supervision and Police Performance

Managing Group Behavior Police Subcultures Employee Associations and Unions

Managing Critical Incidents

Media Relations and Strategic Communications

Organizational Change Reorganizing Improving Leadership and Management Revising Policies and Procedures Changing Strategies and Tactics Changing Behavior and Culture

The Change Process Resistance to Change Overcoming Resistance to Change

Case Studies Madison, Wisconsin Chicago New York Los Angeles Cincinnati


Critical Thinking Questions References


Chapter 6. Selection and Development


Recruitment Methods

Recruiting for Diversity

Recruitment Toolkit


Preemployment Standards

General Suitability

Preemployment Testing

Recruit Screening Methods

Americans with Disabilities Act


Recruit Training

Program Orientation

Philosophy and Instructional Methods

Curriculum Development and Content

Curriculum Updates

Effectiveness of Recruit Training

Field Training

Field Training Officer Program

Police Training Officer Program

Career Growth


Chapter 7. Field Operations: Foundations

The Patrol Function

Historical Development

Patrol Methods

Use of Patrol Resources

Proactive Arrests and Crackdowns

Police Pursuits

The Investigative Function

Historical Development

Selected Research on Investigative Operations

Crime Gun Intelligence Centers

Advances in Physical Evidence: The Automated Fingerprint Identification System and DNA

Bias Crime Programs

Detective-Patrol Relationships


Chapter 8: Innovations in Field Operations

Community-Based Approaches

Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy

Broken Windows Policing

Place-Based Approaches

Focused Interventions

Hot Spot Policing

Gun Violence

Intelligence-Led Policing

Predictive Policing

Person-Based Approaches

Focused Deterrence Initiatives

What Works in Policing



Chapter 9. Behavior and Misconduct

Perspectives of Police Behavior

Universalistic Perspectives

Particularistic Perspectives

Socialization Versus Predisposition

Early Examinations of Police Behavior

Decision Making and Police Discretion

Organizational Variables

Neighborhood Variables

Situational Variables

Individual (Officer) Variables

Police Deviance

Types of Deviance and Misconduct

The Prevalence of Police Deviance

Deviant Officers

The Persistence of Corruption

Are Gratuities a Type of Misconduct?

Police Sexual Misconduct

The Drug War and Police Deviance

Organizational Reponses


Chapter 10. Force and Coercion

Police-Citizen Interactions

Context of Force

National Estimates on Police Use of Force

Learning to Use Force


Reengineering Training

Areas of Training

Police Culture and the Use of Force

Controversy and the Use of Force

Inappropriate Force

Brutality and Excessive Force

Physical and Psychological Force in Police History

Frequency of Excessive Force and Brutality

Brutality in the Twenty-First Century

Deadly Force

Category 1: Death

Category 2: Injury

Category 3: Noninjury

Individual and Situational Factors

Environmental and Departmental Variations

Racial Considerations

Legal and Policy Changes


Chapter 11. Accountability and Ethics

Internal Accountability Mechanisms

Bureaucratic Organization and Management

Internal Investigation

Issues in Internal Investigations

Early Warning/Early Identification Systems

Body-Worn Cameras

Effectiveness of Internal Investigations

External Accountability Mechanisms

Civilian Review

Police Auditor Systems

The Limits of Oversight Mechanisms

Professional Standards

The Police Professionalization Movement

Criteria of Police Professionalization

Ethical Standards

Ethical Perspectives

Ethical Dilemmas

The Limits of Professional and Ethical Standards



Chapter 12. Diversity and Inclusion

Racial Minorities in Policing

Unequal Treatment

Performance of African American Police

Women in Policing

Unequal Treatment

Performance of Women Officers

Affirmative Action

Equal Employment Opportunity

Increasing Diversity in Police Departments

Promotional Opportunities

Integration of Minorities and Women into Policing

Police Culture

Structural Characteristics

Sexual Harassment

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Officers

Future Prospects


Chapter 13. Stress and Officer Safety

The Concept of Stress

Occupational Stress

Overview of Stressors

Police Stressors

Emerging Sources of Stress

Line-of-Duty and Crisis Situations

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder

Shift Work

Social Supports and Police Stress

Consequences of Stress

Alcohol Abuse

Drug Abuse


Stress and the Impact on Families

Policies and Programs