Test Bank Physical Geography The Global Environment 5th Edition by Joseph Mason
Test Bank Physical Geography The Global Environment 5th Edition by Joseph Mason
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Product Description
Test Bank Physical Geography The Global Environment 5th Edition by Joseph Mason
Well known for its flexibility, clarity of presentation, and graphic excellence, Physical Geography: The Global Environment, Fifth Edition, provides a thorough, scientifically authoritative, accessible, and geographic view of Earths physical systems.
ISBN-10 : 0190246863
ISBN-13 : 978-0190246860
Joseph Mason (Author), Jason Burt (Author), Peter Muller (Author), Harm de Blij (Author)
Table Of Contents
UNIT 1 Introducing Physical Geography
PART ONE A Planetary Perspective
UNIT 2 The Planet Earth
UNIT 3 Mapping Earths Surface
UNIT 4 Earth-Sun Relationships
UNIT 5 Radiation and the Heat Balance of Planet Earth
PART TWO Atmospheric and Oceanic Processes
UNIT 6 Composition and Structure of the Atmosphere
UNIT 7 Temperatures of the Lower Atmosphere
UNIT 8 Air Pressure and Winds
UNIT 9 Circulation Patterns of the Atmosphere
UNIT 10 Circulation of the World Ocean
UNIT 11 Atmospheric Moisture and the Water Balance
UNIT 12 Precipitation, Air Masses, and Fronts
UNIT 13 Weather Systems
PART THREE Climate and Climate Change
UNIT 14 Climate Classification and Regionalization
UNIT 15 Tropical (A) and Arid (B) Climate
UNIT 16 Mild Midlatitude (C) Climates
UNIT 17 Higher Latitude (D, E) and High-Altitude (H) Climates
UNIT 18 Natural Climate Change
UNIT 19 Human Impacts on Climate
PART FOUR The Biosphere
UNIT 20 Biogeochemical Cycles
UNIT 21 Formation of Soils
UNIT 22 Properties of Soil
UNIT 23 Classification and Mapping of Soils
UNIT 24 Biogeographic Processes
UNIT 25 The Global Distribution of Plants
UNIT 26 Zoogeography: Spatial Aspects of Animal Populations
PART FIVE The Restless Crust
UNIT 27 Minerals and Igneous Rocks
UNIT 28 Sedimentary and Metamorphic Rocks
UNIT 29 Planet Earth in Profile: The Layered Interior
UNIT 30 Plates of the Lithosphere
UNIT 31 Plate Movement: Causes and Effects
UNIT 32 Volcanism and Its Landforms
UNIT 33 Earthquakes and Landscapes
UNIT 34 Faults, Folds, and Landscapes
PART SIX Sculpting the Surface: Weathering, Mass Movements, and Flowing Water
UNIT 35 The Formation of Landforms and Landscapes
UNIT 36 Weathering Processes
UNIT 37 Mass Movements
UNIT 38 Water in the Lithosphere
UNIT 39 Slopes and Streams
UNIT 40 Landscapes Shaped by Stream Erosion
UNIT 41 Landforms of the Fluvial System
UNIT 42 Karst Processes and Landforms
PART SEVEN Sculpting the Surface: Ice, Wind, and Coastal Processes
UNIT 43 Glacial Erosion and Deposition
UNIT 44 Landforms and Landscapes of Continental Glaciation
UNIT 45 Landforms and Landscapes of Mountain Glaciers
UNIT 46 Periglacial Environments and Landscapes
UNIT 47 Wind as a Geomorphic Agent
UNIT 48 Coastal Processes
UNIT 49 Coastal Landforms and Landscapes