Test Bank Our Origins Fifth Edition by Clark Spencer Larsen


Test Bank Our Origins Fifth Edition by Clark Spencer Larsen

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Test Bank Our Origins Fifth Edition by Clark Spencer Larsen

Clark Spencer Larsen

This textbook offers a comprehensive introduction to physical anthropology, emphasizing the latest discoveries and research in the field. It is designed to engage students with relevant and exciting content that connects anthropological studies to everyday life, using tools like “Anthropology at Work” and “Anthropology Matters” features to highlight the importance of the field.

ISBN-10: 0393680886
ISBN-13: 9780393680881
eText ISBN: 9780393428346

Table of Contents
1. What Is Biological Anthropology?
2. Evolution: Constructing a Fundamental Scientific Theory
3. Genetics: Reproducing Life and Producing Variation
4. Genes and Their Evolution: Population Genetics
5. The Forces of Evolution and the Formation of Species
6. Human Variation: Evolution, Adaptation, and Adaptability
7. The Genus Homo
8. The First Dispersal of the Genus Homo: Homo erectus and Contemporaries
9. The Origin and Evolution of Early Homo sapiens
10. The Evolution of Later Homo sapiens
11. The Agricultural Revolution and the Domestication of Plants and Animals
12. The Evolution of Food Production: From Early Agriculture to Global Impact

Our Origins Fifth Edition by Clark Spencer Larsen Test BankAnswers