Test Bank Microeconomics 4th edition by Paul Krugman


Test Bank Microeconomics 4th edition by Paul Krugman

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Product Description

Test Bank Microeconomics 4th edition by Paul Krugman

This book provides an in-depth exploration of microeconomic principles with a focus on real-world applications. Krugman and Wells use their signature storytelling style to make complex economic concepts accessible, relating them to current events and issues. This edition includes updated content on market power, externalities, and long-run growth, along with analysis of recent economic developments.

ISBN-13: 9781464143878
ISBN-10: 1464143870

Paul Krugman, Robin Wells

Table of Contents
1. First Principles
2. Economic Models: Trade-offs and Trade
3. Supply and Demand
4. Consumer and Producer Surplus
5. Price Controls and Quotas: Meddling with Markets
6. Elasticity
7. Taxes
8. International Trade
9. Decision Making by Individuals and Firms
10. The Rational Consumer
11. Behind the Supply Curve: Inputs and Costs
12. Perfect Competition and the Supply Curve
13. Monopoly
14. Oligopoly
15. Monopolistic Competition and Product Differentiation
16. Externalities
17. Public Goods and Common Resources
18. The Economics of the Welfare State
19. Factor Markets and the Distribution of Income
20. Uncertainty, Risk, and Private Information