Test Bank Microbiology 3rd Edition by Dave Wessner


Test Bank Microbiology 3rd Edition by Dave Wessner

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Test Bank Microbiology 3rd Edition by Dave Wessner

The third edition of Microbiology provides in-depth coverage of the science of microscopic organisms

ISBN: 978-1-119-59240-2

Dave Wessner, Christine Dupont, Trevor Charles, Josh Neufeld

Table of Contents
Part I The Microbes

1 The Microbial World 1

1.1 The Microbes 3

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research the Three Domains of Life 9

Toolbox 1.1 Polymerase Chain Reaction Amplification of rRNA Genes 11

1.2 Microbial Physiology, Genetics, and Cultivation 14

Perspective 1.1 Creating Life in the Laboratory: The Miller–Urey Experiment 17

1.3 Microbial Ecology and Biotechnology 23

1.4 Microbes and Disease 25

2 Bacteria 35

2.1 Morphology of Bacterial Cells 36

Perspective 2.1 Making the Microbiology Laboratory Accessible 39

2.2 The Cytoplasm 40

2.3 The Bacterial Cytoskeleton 43

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Magnetosomes: Uncovering the Structure of Bacterial Organelles 44

2.4 The Cell Envelope 46

Toolbox 2.1 The Gram Stain 55

Perspective 2.2 The Protective Shells of Endospores 56

2.5 The Bacterial Cell Surface 60

2.6 Diversity of Bacteria 67

3 Eukaryal Microorganisms 75

3.1 Morphology of Eukaryal Cells 76

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Lipid Rafts: Organized Clustering of Lipids within a Membrane 82

Toolbox 3.1 Using Microscopy to Examine Cell Structure 85

Perspective 3.1 Hijacking the Cytoskeleton 88

3.2 Diversity of Eukaryal Microorganisms 89

3.3 Replication of Eukaryal Microorganisms 94

3.4 The Origin of Eukaryal Cells 97

Perspective 3.2 Secondary endosymbiosis: The origins of an organelle with four membranes 101

3.5 Interactions Between Eukaryal Microorganisms and Animals, Plants, and the Environment 102

4 Archaea 109

4.1 Evolution of Archaea 111

4.2 Archaeal Cell Structure 113

Toolbox 4.1 Vaccine Delivery Strategies 117

4.3 Diversity of Archaea 121

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research The Role of Archaea in Our Digestive System 124

Perspective 4.1 Extremophiles and Biotechnology 129

5 Viruses 136

5.1 A Basic Overview of Viruses 137

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research New Findings in the Packaging of DNA by the Model Bacteriophage T4 146

5.2 Origins of Viruses 148

Perspective 5.1 Ribozymes: Evidence for an RNA-Based World 149

5.3 Cultivation, Purification, and Quantification of Viruses 150

Toolbox 5.1 Cell Culture Techniques 151

Perspective 5.2 Measurement of HIV Viral Load 155

5.4 Diversity of Viruses 158

Toolbox 5.2 Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) 162

5.5 Virus-Like Particles 163

5.6 Virology Today 166

6 Metabolism 172

6.1 Acquisition of Carbon, Energy, and Electrons 174

6.2 Energy, Enzymes, and ATP 176

Perspective 6.1 Who Needs Vitamins? 179

6.3 Central Processes in ATP Synthesis 180

6.4 Carbon Utilization in Microorganisms 185

6.5 Respiration and the Electron Transport System 195

Perspective 6.2 Electricigenic Bacteria and Microbial Fuel Cells 198

6.6 Metabolism of Non-glucose Carbon Sources 202

Toolbox 6.1 Metabolism and Rapid Bacterial Identification Systems 204

6.7 Phototrophy and Photosynthesis 206

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Genome Sequence of a Deep Sea Symbiont 216

6.8 Nitrogen and Sulfur Metabolism 217

6.9 Biosynthesis of Cellular Components 222

Part II Microbial Genetics

7 Cultivating Microorganisms 231

7.1 Factors Affecting Microbial Growth 233

Toolbox 7.1 Phenotype Microarrays for Examining Microbial Growth 234

7.2 Growing Microorganisms in the Laboratory 238

Perspective 7.1 The Discovery of Helicobacter pylori 243

Toolbox 7.2 FISHING for Uncultivated Microorganisms 246

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Bringing to Life the Previously Unculturable Using the Soil Substrate Membrane System (SSMS) 247

7.3 Measuring Microbial Population Growth 249

Perspective 7.2 Mycobacterium leprae, An Extraordinarily Slow-growing Pathogen 255

Perspective 7.3 The Human Intestine: A Continuous Culture 257

7.4 Eliminating Microbes and Preventing their Growth 257

8 DNA Replication and Gene Expression 267

8.1 The Role of DNA 269

8.2 DNA Replication 276

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Telomeres with Promoter Activity 283

8.3 Transcription 284

Toolbox 8.1 Using a Gel Shift Assay to Identify DNA-binding Proteins 287

8.4 Translation 291

8.5 The Effects of Mutations 297

Perspective 8.1 Using Mutations to Control Viral Infections 301

9 Viral Replication Strategies 306

9.1 Recognition of Host Cells 308

Perspective 9.1 Identifying Emerging Viral Pathogens 310

Toolbox 9.1 The Western Blot 312

9.2 Viral Entry and Uncoating 315

9.3 Viral Replication 319

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research The Discovery of Reverse Transcriptase 326

Perspective 9.2 Phage Therapy: Biocontrol for Infections 328

9.4 Viral Assembly and Egress 330

10 Bacterial Genetic Analysis and Manipulation 335

10.1 Bacteria as Subjects of Genetic Research 336

10.2 Mutations, Mutants, and Strains 340

Toolbox 10.1 Isolating Nutritional Mutants 342

10.3 Restriction Enzymes, Vectors, and Cloning 347

10.4 Recombination and DNA Transfer 354

Perspective 10.1 Plasmids That Produce Pathogens 359

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research The Discovery of Transduction 367

11 Microbial Genomics 372

11.1 Genome Sequencing 373

Perspective 11.1 Rate of DNA Sequencing 377

Toolbox 11.1 Genome databases 383

11.2 Genomic Analysis of Gene Expression 385

11.3 Comparative Genomics 391

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Genome Sequence of a Killer Bug 391

Perspective 11.2 The Minimal Genome 393

11.4 Metagenomics and Related Analyses 396

12 Regulation of Gene Expression 402

12.1 Differential Gene Expression 404

12.2 The Operon 405

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Tuning Promoters for Use in Synthetic Biology 412

12.3 Global Gene Regulation 413

Perspective 12.1 The Use of Lactose Analogs in Gene Expression Studies 415

12.4 Post-Initiation Control of Gene Expression 419

Toolbox 12.1 Using RNA molecules to decrease gene expression 421

12.5 Quorum Sensing 423

12.6 Two-Component Regulatory Systems 425

12.7 Chemotaxis 428

13 Biogeochemical Cycles 435

13.1 Nutrient Cycling 437

Toolbox 13.1 Using Microarrays to Examine Microbial Communities: The GeoChip 439

13.2 Cycling Driven by Carbon Metabolism 440

Perspective 13.1 CO2 as a Greenhouse Gas and Its Influence on Climate Change 440

13.3 Cycling Driven by Nitrogen Metabolism 451

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research The First Isolation and Cultivation of a Marine Archaeon 454

13.4 Other Cycles and their Connections 456

Perspective 13.2 Life in a World without Microbes 457

Perspective 13.3 The Microbiology of Environmentally Toxic Acid Mine Drainage 458

Toolbox 13.2 Biogeochemistry in a Bottle: The Winogradsky Column 461

Part III Microbial Physiology and Ecology

14 Microbial Ecosystems 465

14.1 Microbes in the Environment 467

14.2 Microbial Community Analysis 472

Toolbox 14.1 Flow Cytometry 477

Perspective 14.1 Naming the Uncultured and Uncharacterized 479

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Insights into the Phylogeny and Coding Potential of Microbial Dark Matter 479

14.3 Aquatic Ecosystems 481

Perspective 14.2 Dead Zones 482

14.4 Terrestrial Ecosystems 489

14.5 Deep Subsurface and Geothermal Ecosystems 495

15 Microbial Symbionts 504

15.1 Types of Microbe-Host Interactions 506

15.2 Symbionts of Plants 508

Perspective 15.1 The Possible Impossible Vegan Patty 510

15.3 Symbionts of Humans 513

Toolbox 15.1 Germ-free and Gnotobiotic Animals 518

Perspective 15.2 Food Probiotics—Do They Work? 519

Mini-Paper: A Focus on the Research Fecal Bacteriotherapy: “Repoopulation” of the Gut 522

15.4 Symbionts of Herbivores 525

Perspective 15.3 Cows Contribute to Climate Change 531

15.5 Symbionts of Invertebrates 531

Perspective 15.4 Midichlorians—Not Just for Jedi 536

Perspective 15.5 Death of Coral Reefs 539

16 Microbial Biotechnology 544

16.1 Microbes for Biotechno