Test Bank Europe in the Modern World A New Narrative History Since 1500 1st Edition by Edward Berenson


Test Bank Europe in the Modern World A New Narrative History Since 1500 1st Edition by Edward Berenson

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Test Bank Europe in the Modern World A New Narrative History Since 1500 1st Edition by Edward Berenson

Europe in the Modern World: A New Narrative History Since 1500 is an unusually engaging narrative history of Europe since 1500.

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0199840806
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0199840809

Edward Berenson (Author)

Table Of Contents

About the Writing History Exercises

About the Author


Biography: Europa

What and Where Is Europe?

Europe in 1450-1500

Agriculture, Industry, and Trade in 1450-1500

Religion, Culture, and Intellectual Life in 1450-1500

The Structure of this Book

Chapter 1: The Age of Religious Reform, 1490-1648

Biography: Martin Luther

The Beginnings of Religious Change

The Protestand Reformation

Luther and Religious Reforms in Germany

Zwingli and the Radicalization of Religious Reform

Thomas Müntzers Radical Anabaptism

— Anabaptism and the Peasants War

— The Politics of Religious Strife


Predestination and the Creation of a Calvinist Church

The French Religious Wars

Ohter Calvinist Gains

The Protestand Transformation in England

The Catholic Reformation

The Catholic Recovery

The Council of Trent

The Jesuits

The Counter-Reformation

The Thirty Years War

Reformation Society and Culture


The Visual Arts

Conclusion: The Reformations Outcomes and Results

Writing History: Coordination

Chapter 2: States and Empires, 1500-1715

Biography: Louis XIV

Absolutism and Its Limits

A New Nobility

European Wars, 1660s to 1714

Spain: Another Kingdom Submerged in Debt

“Bureaucratic Absolutism” in Germany and the Holy Roman Empire

Austria and Bohemia: The Limits of Habsburg Authority



The Ottoman Empire

Constitutional Regimes

Poland and Hungary


The Dutch Republic


— Englands Road to Revolution and Civil War

— English Protestantism Divides in Two

— The English Civil War

— The English Revolution

— The Restoration


The Portuguese Empire

The Spanish Empire

The Dutch Private Enterprise Empire

The British Empire

The French Empire

Conclusion: The Failure of Absolutism

Writing History: Subordination

Chapter 3: Science and Enlightenment, 1600-1789

Biography: Galileo

A Scientific Revolution?

The World as Machine

The Experimental Model

Descartes and the Quest for Certainty

Isaac Newton: The Way Gravity Works

“Enlightenment:” From the Natural World to the Study of Humankind

“What is Enlightenment?”

Natural Law and the Nature of Human Beings

Locke, Mandeville, and the Scottish Enlightenment

Rousseau and Natural Man

Civilization and “Primitive” Man

Rationality and the Critique of Religion

National Differences in Enlightenment Thought

Voltaire and the Critique of Religion in France

The Theory and Practice of Government

Women and the New Philosophy

Conclusion: The Accomplishments of the Enlightenment

Writing History: Thesis Statements

Chapter 4: The Era of the French, Revolution, 1750-1815

Biography: Toussaint Louverture

Origins of the French Revolution

The Financial Crisis

The Political Crisis

The Public Opinion Crisis

The Crisis of Frustrated Expectations

Frances New Social Structure

The Revolution

The Revolution Takes Off

The Great Fear

The Revolution Settles In

Religion and Revolution

The End of the Monarchy

Civil War and Terror

The End of the Terror

The Directory, 1794-99

Britain, Russia, and the French Revolution

Revolution in the French Empire

Napoleons European Empire

Conclusion: The Legacy of the French Revolution

Writing History: The thesis statement (X) and its supporting ideas (1-2-3)

Chapter 5: The Industrial Revolution, 1750-1815

Biography: Richard Arkwright

Origins of the Industrial Revolution: Why Britain?

Britains Urban, Market-Oriented, High-Wage Economy

The Agricultural Revolution

Coal: The Revolution in Energy

The Rise of Cotton

The Mechanization of Industry

The Industrial Revolution Moves Beyond Cotton

Economic Development Outside of Britain

The Cultural and Political Origins of the Industrial Revolution

Social Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

The Lives of Working People

Economic Instability and Its Consequences

Changes in Family Life

The Factory, Workers and the Rise of the Labor Movement

Economic Liberalism

Conclusion: The Limits of Britains Industrial Revolution

Writing History: Cohesion across sentences

Chapter 6: Conservation, Reform, and Revolution, 1815-1852

Biography: George Sand


The Congress of Vienna

The Peace Settlement

The Slave Trade

New Ideologies of the Post-Revolutionary Period








Political Systems and the Quest for Reform

The Autocracies: Austria, Russia, and Prussia

Prussia and the Non-Habsburg German States

Revolution in Spain and Italy

France: The Rise of Constitutional Monarchy

The French Revolution of 1830

Rebellions in the Low Countries, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, and the Ottoman Empire

Britain: Social Change and Political Reform

1848: Europe in Revolution

The Revolution Begins

The Spread of Revolution

Conclusion: The Meaning of 1848

Writing History: Paragraph flow

Chapter 7: From National Unificatoin to Religious Revival, 1850-1880

Biography: Otto von Bismarck

The New Industrialization

A New Prosperity?

Urbanizatoin and the Urban World

The Redevlopment of Paris

Europes Worldwide Economic Role

Political Change

Prosperity and Empire in France

The Crimean War

The Eclipse of Russia

National Unification

The Unification of Italy

The Unificaton of Germany

Consequences of the German Unification

— The Creation of Austria-Hungary, 1867

— The New French Republic

Marxism and the Opposition to Capitalism

Trade Unions, Womens Rights, and the Rise of Socialist Parties

Positivism, Evolution, and the Hegemony of Science

Religion in the Modern World

Popular Culture

Conclusion: A New European Balance of Power

Writing History: Text reconstruction

Chapter 8: European Society and the Road to War, 1880-1914

Biography: Maria Montessori

Life and Death and the Movement of People

Economic Change During the “Long Depression,” 1873-93

The Agricultural Crisis

The Industrial Economy Matures

Britains Relative Decline

Technology and the Flurry of Inventions

Tariffs and the Rise of Economic Nationalism

Politics and Political Change

Britain: The Practice of Liberalism

France: The Achievements of a Democratic Republic

Germany: The Persistence of Authoritarian and Aristocratic Rule

Social Reform in Germany

Imperialism and Empire

Why Imperialism?

Nationalist Reactions to Imperialism

The Empire at Home

From Missionaries to the “Civilizing Mission”

Russia, Austria, and the Balkans

Austria-Hungary: A Slow Decline

“Politics in a New Key:” Anti-Semitism and the Extreme Right

Anti-Semitism in Russia and France

The Dreyfus Affair

Feminism and the New Woman

Origins of the First World War

The Road to War

Morocco and the Balkans

Conclusion: Europe Plunges Into the Abyss

Writing History: Text reconstruction and composition

Chapter 9: The First World War, 1914-1919

Biography: Siegried Sassoon

The Outbreak of War

The Battles of the Marne and Ypres

The Western Front

Trench Warfare

The Battles of Verdun and the Somme

The Eastern Front

The War Outside Europe and at Sea

War in Africa and the Ottoman Empire

The Middle Eastern Campaign

The War Against Civilians

German Responses to the Economic Blockade

Consent for the War

The Home Front

Womens Contributions to the War

Wartime Propoganda

From Protest to Mutiny

The American Intervention

Both Sides Prepare for All-Out Victory

The Allied Victory

Germanys Aborted Revolution

The Treaty of Versailles