Test Bank Elemental Geosystems 9th Edition by Robert W. Christopherson Ginger Birkeland
Test Bank Elemental Geosystems 9th Edition by Robert W. Christopherson Ginger Birkeland
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Product Description
Test Bank Elemental Geosystems 9th Edition by Robert W. Christopherson Ginger Birkeland
The book provides a non-mathematical introduction to physical geography, using a systems-based approach and emphasizing human-Earth relationships.
Print ISBN-10: 0134817443, Print ISBN-13: 9780134817446, eText ISBN-10: 0134867947, eText ISBN-13: 9780134867946
Robert W. Christopherson, Ginger H. Birkeland, Stephen Cunha, Charles E. Thomsen
Table of Contents
1. Foundations of Geography
2. Solar Energy, Seasons, and the Atmosphere
3. Atmospheric Energy and Global Temperatures
4. Atmospheric and Oceanic Circulations
5. Atmospheric Water and Weather
6. Global Climate Systems
7. Water Resources
8. The Dynamic Planet
9. Earthquakes and Volcanoes
10. Weathering, Karst Landscapes, and Mass Movement
11. River Systems and Landforms
12. Wind Processes and Desert Landscapes
13. The Oceans, Coastal Processes, and Landforms
14. Glacial and Periglacial Landscapes
15. The Geography of Soils
16. Ecosystems and Biomes
17. Earth and the Human Denominator