Test Bank Contract Law 6th Edition by Mindy Chen Wishart


Test Bank Contract Law 6th Edition by Mindy Chen Wishart

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Product Description

Test Bank Contract Law 6th Edition by Mindy Chen Wishart

Provides a concise and comprehensive overview of corrections, focusing on the essential materials needed to understand the history, development, and current operations of corrections. It presents the topics in an easily understandable manner, making it ideal for students new to the field.

ISBN-10: 0190882506, ISBN-13: 9780190882501

Melissa W. Burek, Steven P. Lab, Michael E. Buerger

Table of Contents:Chapter 1: The History and Development of CorrectionsDefining CorrectionsThe Earliest ResponsesThe Era of the PenitentiaryThe Era of ReformThe Era of IndustryThe Era of RehabilitationThe Era of RetributionThe Era of ReentryHistory of Incarceration for WomenChapter 2: Correctional SystemsLocal CorrectionsState CorrectionsFederal CorrectionsPrivate CorrectionsChapter 3: Correctional RationalesTheoretical Schools of ThoughtRetributionDeterrenceIncapacitationRehabilitationChapter 4: Institutional CorrectionsLife Behind BarsInmate RightsSpecial Offender PopulationsPrison IssuesChapter 5: Community CorrectionsProbationIntermediate SanctionsChapter 6: Parole and ReentryParole in the United StatesReentry Programming and ServicesChapter 7: Juvenile CorrectionsJuvenile Institutional Corrections TodayCommunity CorrectionsChapter 8: Correctional EffectivenessDeterrenceRehabilitation Summary.