Test Bank Advertising and Promotion 7th Edition by Michael Guolla


Test Bank Advertising and Promotion 7th Edition by Michael Guolla

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Product Description

Test Bank Advertising and Promotion 7th Edition by Michael Guolla

This textbook provides a comprehensive introduction to advertising and promotion with an integrated marketing communications (IMC) perspective. It covers the marketing communications process, consumer decision-making, and promotional strategies. The book emphasizes a ‘big picture’ approach to coordinating communication tools to enhance a brand and achieve organizational goals. It includes current examples, social media and mobile technology, and numerous figures and exhibits to engage students in the learning process.

ISBN-10: 1260065987, ISBN-13: 9781260065985

Michael Guolla, George E. Belch, Michael A. Belch

Table of Contents
1. Integrated Marketing Communications
2. Working with Agencies for IMC
3. Consumer Behaviour and Target Audience Decisions
4. Communication Response Models
5. Setting Objectives for IMC
6. Brand Positioning Strategy Decisions
7. Creative Strategy Decisions
8. Creative Tactics Decisions
9. Measuring Effectiveness for IMC
10. Media Planning and Budgeting for IMC
11. Broadcast Media
12. Print Media
13. Out-of-Home Media
14. Sales Promotion
15. Public Relations
16. Direct Marketing
17. Internet Media
18. Social Media
19. Evaluating Issues for IMC