Test Bank Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Essentials for Clinical Practice 1st Edition by Karen Myrick


Test Bank Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Essentials for Clinical Practice 1st Edition by Karen Myrick

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Test Bank Advanced Health Assessment and Differential Diagnosis Essentials for Clinical Practice 1st Edition by Karen Myrick

With a focus on promoting sound clinical decision-making and a streamlined and highly accessible approach, this text for advanced practice nurses and physician assistants delivers up-to-date primary care health assessment techniques for individuals throughout the lifespan

ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0826162495
ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0826162496

Suzanne Smeltzer, Karen Myrick, Laima Karosas

Table Of Contents
1. Health History, The Patient Interview, And Motivational Interviewing
Overview of the Health History
The Patient Interview
Chief Complaint
History of the Present Illness
Past Medical and Surgical History
Family History
Social History
Review of Systems
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Holistic Assessment
Case Study
Focused Health History
Assessment of Special Populations
Diagnostic Reasoning
2. Advanced Health Assessment of the Head, Neck, and Lymphatic System
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Head and Neck
Lymph Nodes
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Lymph Nodes
Sequence for Examining Lymph Nodes
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings
Traumatic Brain Injury
Stiff Neck
Holistic Assessment
Case Study
Assessment of Special Populations
Transgender Population
Elderly Population
Pregnant Population
Pediatric Population
Patient With Disabilities
Veteran Population
Diagnostic Reasoning
Common Differential Diagnoses: Head and Neck Disorders
3. Advanced Health Assessment of the Nose, Mouth, and Throat
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Nasal Cavity
Nasal Septum
Blood Supply
Lymphatic Drainage
Paranasal Sinuses
Mouth and Throat
Salivary Glands
Teeth and Gingivae
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Mouth and Throat
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings
Mouth and Throat
Holistic Assessment
Nutrition and Exercise
Financial Implications
Spiritual Considerations
Case Study
Assessment of Special Populations
Pediatric Population
Elderly Population
Pregnant Population
Diagnostic Reasoning
Common Differential Diagnoses: Nose
Common Differential Diagnoses: Mouth and Throat
4. Advanced Health Assessment of the Eyes and Ears
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye
Palpebral Conjunctiva
Lacrimal Gland
Extraocular Eye Movement
Internal Eye Structures
Visual Pathway
Fields of Vision
Visual Reflexes
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings of the Eye
Health History
History of the Present Illness
Past Medical History
Family History
Social History
Pediatric Population
Pregnant Women
Elderly Population
Physical Examination
Suggested Equipment for an Ocular Exam
Visual Inspection of External Eyes
Lacrimal Gland
Extraocular Eye Movements
Anterior Structures of the Eye
Posterior Structures of the Eye
Assessment of Visual Acuity
Assessment of Visual Fields
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings of the Eye
Holistic Health Assessment of the Eye
Case Study: Eye
Assessment of Special Populations: Eye
Pediatric Population
Pregnant Population
Patients With Disabilities
Veteran Population
Diagnostic Reasoning: Eye
Common Differential Diagnoses: Ocular Complaints
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology of the Ear
External Ear
Middle Ear
Inner Ear
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings of the Ear
Health History
Earache or Pain in the Ears
Ear Infections
Hearing Loss
Physical Examination
Suggested Equipment for an Otoscopic Exam
The Otoscopic Examination
Hearing Acuity
Voice Test
Tuning-Fork Tests
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings of the Ear
Abnormalities of the External Ear
Abnormalities in the Ear Canal
Abnormalities of the Tympanic Membrane
Holistic Health Assessment of the Ear
Case Study: Ear
Assessment of Special Populations: Ear
Gestational Population
Pediatric Population
Young Adult Population
Elderly Population
Patients With Disabilities
Veteran Population
Diagnostic Reasoning: Ear
Common Differential Diagnoses: Ear
5. Advanced Health Assessment of Skin, Hair, and Nails
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Basal Cell Layer
Stratum Spinosum
Stratum Granulosum
Stratum Corneum
Epidermal Cellular Components
Cutaneous Appendages
Structure of the Dermis
Interstitial Components of the Dermis
Cellular Components of the Dermis
Vascular Channel and Nerves of the Dermis
Subcutaneous Tissue
Derivatives of the Skin
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Inspection of the Skin
Palpation of the Skin
Inspection and Palpation of the Hair
Inspection and Palpation of the Nails
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings
Inspection of the Skin
Palpation of the Skin
Inspection of the Hair
Palpation of the Hair
Inspection of the Nails
Palpation of the Nails
Holistic Assessment
Specific Health History
Nutrition and Exercise
Financial Implications
Spiritual Considerations
Case Study
Assessment of Special Populations
Elderly Population
Pediatric Population
Pregnant Population
Patients With Disabilities
Diagnostic Reasoning
Common Differential Diagnoses: Hair
Common Differential Diagnoses: Skin
Common Differential Diagnoses: Nails
6. Advanced Health Assessment of the Cardiovascular System
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Pericardial and Cardiac Membrane
Cardiac Chambers
Cardiac Circulation
Cardiac Valves
Cardiac Cycle and Heart Sounds
Cardiac Murmurs
Cardiac Conduction
Blood Pressure
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Blood Pressure Evaluation
Patient Positioning
Inspection of the Precordium
Palpation of the Precordium
Appreciating Point of Maximal Impulse
Duration of the Apical Beat
Auscultation of the Precordium
Cardiac Murmurs
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings
Jugular Venous Pressure Evaluation
Inspection and Palpation of the Carotid Arteries
Auscultation of the Carotid Arteries
Special Maneuvers for Auscultation of the Carotid Arteries
Holistic Assessment
Specific Health History
Nutrition and Exercise
Financial Implications
Spiritual Considerations
Case Study
Assessment of Special Populations
Transgender Population
Pediatric Population
Elderly Population
Patients With Disabilities
Veteran Population
Pregnant Population
Diagnostic Reasoning
Common Differential Diagnoses: Atherosclerotic Diseases
Common Differential Diagnoses: Heart Failure
Common Differential Diagnoses: Arrhythmias
Common Differential Diagnoses: Pericardial, Myocardial, and Endocardial Diseases
Common Differential Diagnoses: Valvular Heart Diseases
Common Differential Diagnoses: Heart Muscle Diseases
Common Differential Diagnoses: Vasculature Diseases
7. Advanced Health Assessment of the Respiratory System
Overview of Anatomy and Physiology
Paranasal Sinuses
Main Bronchi and Bronchial Tree
Respiratory Zone
The Pleurae
Screening Health Assessment and Normal Findings
Inspection of the Entire Chest
Inspection of the Lungs
Evaluating Sounds of the Tracheobronchial Tree
Inspection of the Posterior Chest
Palpation of Posterior Chest
Tactile Fremitus
Chest Wall
Percussion of Posterior Chest
Auscultation of Posterior Chest
Normal Breath Sounds
Inspection of the Anterior Chest
Percussion of Anterior Chest
Auscultation of Anterior Chest
Focused Health Assessment and Abnormal Findings
Chest Inspection
Chest Palpation
Chest Percussion
Chest Auscultation
Special Tests
Holistic Assessment
Specific Health History
Financial Implications
Spiritual Considerations
Case Study
Assessment of Special Populations
Pediatric Population
Patients With Disabilities
Elderly Population
Veteran Population
Diagnostic Reasoning
Common Differential Diagnoses: Re