Test Bank A Concise Introduction to World Religions 4th Edition by Roy C. Amore


Test Bank A Concise Introduction to World Religions 4th Edition by Roy C. Amore

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Product Description

Test Bank A Concise Introduction to World Religions 4th Edition by Roy C. Amore

A Concise Introduction to World Religions 4th Edition provides an overview of major world religions, tracing their origins, evolution, essential teachings, practices, and interactions with modern culture. It is designed for single-semester courses and includes numerous resources for further study

ISBN-10: 0190919027
ISBN-13: 9780190919023​

Roy C. Amore, Amir Hussain, Willard G. Oxtoby

Table Of Contents
Introduction to World Religions
1. Indigenous Traditions
2. Hindu Traditions
3. Buddhist Traditions
4. Jain Traditions
5. Sikh Traditions
6. Chinese and Korean Traditions
7. Japanese Traditions
8. Jewish Traditions
9. Christian Traditions
10. Muslim Traditions
11. Bahai Traditions
12. New Religious Movements