Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible in Its Context 4th Edition by Michael D. Coogan


Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible in Its Context 4th Edition by Michael D. Coogan

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Product Description

Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament The Hebrew Bible in Its Context 4th Edition by Michael D. Coogan

A Brief Introduction to the Old Testament: The Hebrew Bible in Its Context provides an accessible introduction to the Old Testament, integrating historical and literary perspectives. It focuses on historical content while addressing interpretive methodologies

ISBN-10: 0190903759
ISBN-13: 9780190903756​

Michael D. Coogan, Cynthia R. Chapman

Table Of Contents
1. Introduction to the Old Testament
2. Genesis
3. Exodus
4. Leviticus
5. Numbers
6. Deuteronomy
7. Joshua
8. Judges
9. Samuel
10. Kings
11. Isaiah
12. Jeremiah
13. Ezekiel
14. The Twelve Prophets
15. Psalms and Wisdom Literature
16. Daniel and Apocalyptic Literature​