Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the New Testament 5th Edition by Bart D. Ehrman


Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the New Testament 5th Edition by Bart D. Ehrman

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Product Description

Test Bank A Brief Introduction to the New Testament 5th Edition by Bart D. Ehrman

A Brief Introduction to the New Testament 5th Edition condenses and simplifies Ehrmans comprehensive text on the New Testament. It explores the historical, literary, and religious contexts of the New Testament, encouraging critical thinking and engagement with the material

ISBN-10: 0190089520
ISBN-13: 9780190089528​

Bart D. Ehrman

Table Of Contents
1. What is the New Testament and Why Should We Care?
2. The Greco-Roman World of Early Christianity
3. The Jewish World of Early Christianity
4. The Traditions of Jesus in Their Greco-Roman Context
5. Jesus, the Suffering Son of God: The Gospel According to Mark
6. Jesus, the Jewish Messiah: The Gospel According to Matthew
7. Jesus, the Rejected Prophet: The Gospel According to Luke
8. Jesus, the Man Sent from Heaven: The Gospel According to John
9. The Life of Jesus and Its Aftermath
10. Lukes Second Volume: The Book of Acts
11. Paul the Apostle: The Man and His Mission
12. Paul and His Apostolic Mission: 1 Thessalonians as a Test Case
13. Paul and the Crises of His Churches: The Corinthian Correspondence
14. Paul and the Crises of His Churches: Galatians, Philippians, and Philemon
15. The Gospel According to Paul: The Letter to the Romans​