Solution Manual Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 Access 2016 Comprehensive Philip J. Pratt
Solution Manual for Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 Access 2016 Comprehensive by Philip J. Pratt
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Product Description
Solution Manual for Shelly Cashman Series Microsoft Office 365 Access 2016 Comprehensive by Philip J. Pratt
Table of Contents
Productivity Apps for School and Work
Introduction to OneNote 2016
Introduction to Sway
Introduction to Office Mix
Introduction to Microsoft Edge
Microsoft Office 2016 and Windows 10
Office 2016 and Windows 10: Essential Concepts and Skills
Introduction to the Windows 10 Operating System
Using a Touch Screen and a Mouse
Keyboard Shortcuts
Starting Windows
To Sign In to an Account
The Windows Desktop
Introduction to Microsoft Office 2016
Microsoft Office 2016 Apps
Microsoft Office 2016 Suites
Running and Using An App
To Run Access Using the Start Menu
To Maximize a Window
Access Unique Elements
Saving and Organizing Files
Organizing Files and Folders
To Create a Folder
Folder Windows
To Create a Folder within a Folder
To Create the Remaining Folders
To Expand a Folder, Scroll through Folder Contents, and Collapse a Folder
To Switch from One App to Another
Creating an Access Database
To Create an Access Database
Navigating in Dialog Boxes
The Access Window
Navigation Pane and Access Work Area
To Display a Different Tab on the Ribbon
To Collapse and Expand the Ribbon
To Relocate the Quick Access Toolbar
To Customize the Quick Access Toolbar
Screen Resolution
To Change the Screen Resolution
To Use the Backstage View to Close a Database
To Exit an Office App
To Run Access Using the Search Box
To Open an Existing Database
To Exit Access
Renaming, Moving, and Deleting Files
Microsoft Office and Windows Help
To Open the Help Window in an Office App
Moving and Resizing Windows
To Move a Window by Dragging
To Resize a Window by Dragging
Using Office Help
To Obtain Help Using the Search Text Box
Obtaining Help while Working in an Office App
To Obtain Help Using the Tell Me Box
Using the Windows Search Box
To Use the Windows Search Box
Apply Your Knowledge
Extend Your Knowledge
Expand Your World
In the Labs
Microsoft Access
Module 1: Databases and Database Objects: An Introduction
Project — Database Creation
Creating a Database
To Create a Database
To Create a Database Using a Template
The Access Window
Navigation Pane and Access Work Area
Determining Tables and Fields
Naming Tables and Fields
Determining the Primary Key
Determining Data Types for the Fields
Creating a Table
To Modify the Primary Key
To Define the Remaining Fields in a Table
Making Changes to the Structure
To Save a Table
To View the Table in Design View
Checking the Structure in Design View
To Change a Field Size in Design View
To Close the Table
To Add Records to a Table
Making Changes to the Data
To Add Records to a Table that Contains Data
To Resize Columns in a Datasheet
Previewing and Printing the Contents of a Table
To Preview and Print the Contents of a Table
Importing or Linking Data From Other Applications to Access
To Import an Excel Worksheet
Modifying the Table
To Modify a Table in Design View
Correcting Errors in the Structure
To Close the Table
To Resize Columns in a Datasheet
Additional Database Objects
Creating Queries
To Use the Simple Query Wizard to Create a Query
Using Queries
To Use a Criterion in a Query
To Print the Results of a Query
Creating Forms
To Create a Form
Using a Form
Creating and Printing Reports
To Create a Report
Using Layout View in a Report
To Modify Report Column Headings and Resize Columns
To Add Totals to a Report
To Print a Report
Database Properties
To Change Database Properties
Special Database Operations
Backup and Recovery
Compacting and Repairing a Database
Additional Operations
To Exit Access
Database Design
Database Requirements
Database Design Process
Identifying the Tables
Determining the Primary Keys
Determining Additional Fields
Determining and Implementing Relationships between the Tables
Assigning Data Types to the Fields
Identifying and Removing Redundancy
Apply Your Knowledge
Extend Your Knowledge
Expand Your World
In the Labs
Module 2: Querying a Database
Project — Querying a Database
Creating Queries
To Create a Query in Design View
To Add Fields to the Design Grid
Determining Criteria
Running the Query
To Use Text Data in a Criterion
Using Saved Queries
To Use a Wildcard
To Use Criteria for a Field Not Included in the Results
Creating a Parameter Query
To Create and View a Parameter Query
To Use a Parameter Query
To Use a Number in a Criterion
Comparison Operators
To Use a Comparison Operator in a Criterion
Using Compound Criteria
To Use a Compound Criterion Involving AND
To Use a Compound Criterion Involving OR
Special Criteria
To Clear the Design Grid
To Sort Data in a Query
To Omit Duplicates
To Sort on Multiple Keys
To Create a Top-Values Query
Joining Tables
To Join Tables
To Change Join Properties
To Create a Report from a Query
To Print a Report
Creating a Form for a Query
To Create a Form for a Query
Using a Form
Exporting Data From Access to Other Applications
To Export Data to Excel
Text Files
Adding Criteria to a Join Query
To Restrict the Records in a Join
To Use a Calculated Field in a Query
To Change a Caption
To Calculate Statistics
To Use Criteria in Calculating Statistics
To Use Grouping
Crosstab Queries
To Create a Crosstab Query
Customizing the Navigation Pane
To Customize the Navigation Pane
Apply Your Knowledge
Extend Your Knowledge
Expand Your World
In the Labs
Module 3: Maintaining a Database
Project — Maintaining a Database
Updating Records
To Create a Split Form
To Use a Form to Add Records
To Search for a Record
To Update the Contents of a Record
To Delete a Record
Filtering Records
To Use Filter By Selection
To Toggle a Filter
To Clear a Filter
To Use a Common Filter
To Use Filter By Form
To Use Advanced Filter/Sort
Filters and Queries
Changing the Database Structure
To Add a New Field
To Create a Lookup Field
To Add a Multivalued Field
To Add a Calculated Field
To Save the Changes and Close the Table
Mass Changes
To Use an Update Query
Validation Rules
To Change a Field Size
To Specify a Required Field
To Specify a Range
To Specify a Default Value
To Specify a Collection of Legal Values
To Specify a Format
To Save the Validation Rules, Default Values, and Formats
Updating a Table that Contains Validation Rules
Making Additional Changes to the Database
To Change the Contents of a Field
To Use a Lookup Field
To Use a Multivalued Lookup Field
To Update a Form to Reflect Changes in the Table
To Update a Report to Reflect Changes in the Table
To Print a Report
Changing the Appearance of a Datasheet
To Include Totals in a Datasheet
To Remove Totals from a Datasheet
To Change Gridlines in a Datasheet
To Change the Colors and Font in a Datasheet
Using the Datasheet Formatting Dialog Box
To Close the Datasheet without Saving the Format Changes
Multivalued Fields in Queries
To Include Multiple Values on One Row of a Query
To Include Multiple Values on Multiple Rows of a Query
Referential Integrity
To Specify Referential Integrity
Effect of Referential Integrity
To Use a Subdatasheet
Handling Data Inconsistency
Ordering Records
To Use the Ascending Button to Order Records
Apply Your Knowledge
Extend Your Knowledge
Expand Your World
In the Labs
Module 4: Creating Reports and Forms
Project — Reports and Forms
Report Creation
Report Sections
To Group and Sort in a Report
Grouping and Sorting Options
Report Controls
To Add Totals and Subtotals
To Remove the Group, Sort, and Total Pane
To Conditionally Format Controls
To Filter Records in a Report
To Clear a Report Filter
The Arrange and Page Setup Tabs
Multiple-Table Reports
To Create a Report that Involves Multiple Tables
Creating a Report in Layout View
Using Themes
Live Preview for Themes
To Create a Summary Report
Form Creation
To Use the Form Wizard to Create a Form