Solution Manual Calculus An Applied Approach 10e Ron Larson
Solution Manual for Calculus An Applied Approach 10th Edition by Ron Larson
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Solution Manual for Calculus An Applied Approach 10th Edition by Ron Larson
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Functions, Graphs, and Limits
1.1: The Cartesian Plane and the Distance Formula (33)
1.2: Graphs of Equations (34)
1.3: Lines in the Plane and Slope (41)
1.4: Functions (43)
1.5: Limits (51)
1.6: Continuity (32)
1: Quiz Yourself
1: Review Exercises
1: Test Yourself
Chapter 2: Differentiation
2.1: The Derivative and the Slope of a Graph (44)
2.2: Some Rules for Differentiation (49)
2.3: Rates of Change: Velocity and Marginals (31)
2.4: The Product and Quotient Rules (49)
2.5: The Chain Rule (52)
2.6: Higher-Order Derivatives (30)
2.7: Implicit Differentiation (31)
2.8: Related Rates (30)
2: Quiz Yourself
2: Review Exercises
2: Test Yourself
Chapter 3: Applications of the Derivative
3.1: Increasing and Decreasing Functions (33)
3.2: Extrema and the First-Derivative Test (32)
3.3: Concavity and the Second-Derivative Test (39)
3.4: Optimization Problems (34)
3.5: Business and Economics Applications (29)
3.6: Asymptotes (53)
3.7: Curve Sketching: A Summary (34)
3.8: Differentials and Marginal Analysis (31)
3: Quiz Yourself
3: Review Exercises
3: Test Yourself
Chapter 4: Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
4.1: Exponential Functions (22)
4.2: Natural Exponential Functions (28)
4.3: Derivatives of Exponential Functions (27)
4.4: Logarithmic Functions (56)
4.5: Derivatives of Logarithmic Functions (53)
4.6: Exponential Growth and Decay (31)
4: Quiz Yourself
4: Review Exercises
4: Test Yourself
Chapter 5: Integration and Its Applications
5.1: Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals (45)
5.2: Integration by Substitution and the General Power Rule (33)
5.3: Exponential and Logarithmic Integrals (35)
5.4: Area and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (53)
5.5: The Area of a Region Bounded by Two Graphs (29)
5.6: The Definite Integral as the Limit of a Sum (32)
5: Quiz Yourself
5: Review Exercises
5: Test Yourself
Chapter 6: Techniques of Integration
6.1: Integration by Parts and Present Value (48)
6.2: Integration Tables (34)
6.3: Numerical Integration (34)
6.4: Improper Integrals (29)
6: Quiz Yourself
6: Review Exercises
6: Test Yourself
Chapter 7: Functions of Several Variables
7.1: The Three-Dimensional Coordinate System (31)
7.2: Surfaces in Space (35)
7.3: Functions of Several Variables (34)
7.4: Partial Derivatives (43)
7.5: Extrema of Functions of Two Variables (30)
7.6: Lagrange Multipliers (31)
7.7: Least Squares Regression Analysis (27)
7.8: Double Integrals and Area in the Plane (41)
7.9: Applications of Double Integrals (25)
7: Quiz Yourself
7: Review Exercises
7: Test Yourself
Chapter 8: Trigonometric Functions
8.1: Radian Measure of Angles (29)
8.2: The Trigonometric Functions (49)
8.3: Graphs of Trigonometric Functions (44)
8.4: Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions (51)
8.5: Integrals of Trigonometric Functions (43)
8: Quiz Yourself
8: Review Exercises
8: Test Yourself
Chapter 9: Probability and Calculus
9.1: Discrete Probability (27)
9.2: Continuous Random Variables (28)
9.3: Expected Value and Variance (30)
9: Review Exercises
9: Test Yourself
Chapter 10: Series and Taylor Polynomials
10.1: Sequences (40)
10.2: Series and Convergence (45)
10.3: p-Series and the Ratio Test (45)
10.4: Power Series and Taylor’s Theorem (38)
10.5: Taylor Polynomials (20)
10.6: Newton’s Method (33)
10: Quiz Yourself
10: Review Exercises
10: Test Yourself
Chapter 11: Differential Equations
11.1: Solutions of Differential Equations (26)
11.2: Separation of Variables (27)
11.3: First-Order Linear Differential Equations (19)
11.4: Applications of Differential Equations (19)
11: Quiz Yourself
11: Review Exercises
11: Test Yourself